John MacArthur and Strange Fire

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 214
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John Piper is a continuationist while John MacArthur is a cessationist. Both have point. I respect them both. Btw, I am continuationist


I love both these men of God. I was a cessationist but now believe the Gifts still exist. I came to this through prayer primarily but also certain experiences I have had.

I was an atheist or 38 years or so and initially approached my faith theologically and the Holy Spirit convinced me that I should lean out of theology and into faith. Best advice I've ever had as now I see a richness in God's word alone and not in man's interpretation of it. Peace in Christ ✝️


I am a cessationist like Dr. McArthur, but, if I was to turn out to be mistaken, then I would fully expect for the gifts of the spirit to function in the manner Dr. Piper described. I have immense respect for both pastors and exponentially more points of agreement than disagreement with them.


Love both of the Johns. I am not a cessationist but I learn so much from John M.


I love listening to both Pastors! They both have bIblical points. This is where the individual (Christian) is responsible for obedience & practice of this doctrine.


I like both johns. They are both very good teachers. We as humans are sinful and we don't have the answers to everything. So please don't hate on either of these men who have devoted there lives to preaching the word of God. They may disagree on one point of view but that's ok because we are all sinful humans and we are not perfect. When Jesus comes back we will be with HIM and He will explain everything. Amen? I love John macauthur because he's like a sword that strikes the heart when we need that hard word. And I love John piper because he's the other side of the sword that strikes the heart aswell. The bible was never meant to be a "make you feel good" book. Its Gods word. And Gods word is difficult to swallow sometimes.

As for me I believe that the only power we have in today's world is the word of God. Nothing more nothing less.


One of the main reasons i gave my life to the Lord is because of the spiritual things. Experiences. It always trips me up with ppl say those days are over. BUT i still believe John Mcarthur is an AMAZING teacher. Just that part is kinda crazy for me to hear.


Christian courage is the willingness to say and do the right thing regardless of the earthly cost, because God promises to help you and save you on account of Christ.


Love Both Johns!! This isn’t a feud, these are loving brothers in Christ who are the rock solid preachers of America alive today. We are so blessed unbelievably by Christ work through them. With that said, John, I listen to you every day — it is of course right to observe Prophecy unfolding in many ways. And this is actually one major reason WHY I love your ministry, because you DO speak on what is priority and what God has so obviously led you towards: and you’ve met a need in the Body of Christ to edify us in TRUTH: Point being that we God knows we live in heretical times overflowing mega churches of prosperity gospel heretics, and we need men like Piper to be Lights POWERFULLY and authoritatively stand against that and proclaim the sound orthodox view of evangelicalism.

I was raised in a large church that split over a rapid radical transition to Pentecostal: teaching classes on “How to speak in tongues”, and teens were given spiritual “gifts” tests to see what their “gift” was, I had a 15yr old girl tell me she was a “prophet” cuz she scored that results on the test... so growing up in an environment like that, you see how the “higher gifts” are so easily and rampantly being abused and falsely proclaimed that we need a Pilar of truth to stand to show us what God says on this. So thank you Piper for helping us have a balanced and sound doctrine through your ministry and Christ work through you.

I agree w Piper that the word is 100% breathed word of God through the inspired writers, perfectly preserved for the church, and that it is as relevant today as yesterday: we too believe that the higher gifts should be desired: but in humility and truth, only through the spirit, in the biblical context. Tongues being translateable w witnesses to edify; not mumbo jumbo that doesn’t edify anyone but only magnifies the “gifted person’s” pride. Prophecy has many ways of being manifested in the believer I agree. Visions, dreams, and thoughts that are not our own bit of Him that piece into our heart mind and soul God’s Word, those are facets of prophecy I agree. Whether that makes one a prophet, I would not so quickly say. Being a prophet is risky business for a fake, because a truth committed church should be able to sniff out a false prophet after 1 strike, based on scripture that if the prophets prophecy doesn’t come to pass the way he said, he is a false prophet. So to hold one in regard to BEING a prophet, that SHOULD be risky for a deceiver, but unfortunately there’s ppl who believe this “being spiritual” side of what they call Christianity which so often rubs shoulders with New Age in those types of “churches”. We need sound teachers like Piper AND MacArthur to help light our path through these tangled webs of lying thieves of apostates.


John Macauthur basically said in the conference that charismatics are demon possessed and not apart of the body of Christ. I believe there are extremes on both sides. One side is dead legalism and other is charismatic excess and possibly even blasphemous manifestations of something not of God. I grew up in a charismatic church revival setting. I’m 33 and I’m just so confused about everything these days, I don’t know who to trust or believe. I don’t understand why God reveals scripture differently to people in so radical ways. Even the process of salvation is disagreed upon, i grew up with the Arminian view of salvation that basically depended on my will and acts of repentance, my church even recommended getting saved over and over again “to make sure”. I did not fair so well with those teachings and I’m still not sure of the state of my soul. I am trying to find the truth in Christ and now I have stumbled upon the view that there are elect individuals who are predestined for salvation and it doesn’t depend on them whatsoever if they are saved, the saving faith is from God alone and not dependent on their actions. I’m honestly just incredibly confused. My main thoughts at this time is that I have sinned too much in the face of the grace of God and God has given me up, in the Arminian view that could be true but not in the Calvinistic view so far as I can understand. I think the only one that could possibly convince me is if Christ told me himself but even then I would probably disbelieve the feelings, visions or emotions as hysteria. Please pray for me that I will find the truth in Christ, be freed from sin and find rest for my soul through true scriptural faith. This is my prayer. Perhaps it is faith in Christ alone and I will never have assurance, but this thought seems to disagree with scripture that says we are not saved unless we have assurance...I just don’t know.


Very measured, reasonable, rational and respectable response from one spiritual giant of this generation to another. No one person has the last interpretive authoritative word on God's revelation. Much grace is extended and I pray it is received in love. God bless both of them.


I continue to grow in the teachings of both Piper and MacArthur. I had no real understanding of or acceptation of charismatic gifts or even believed that speaking in tongues was real until it happened to me. The initial experience (in 2002) was so profound that I often refer to it as my “PROOF” of God’s divine presence and power in the lives of His people. I say “proof” as opposed to Faith which of course, is what we as believers have in Christ Jesus our Faithful King. It was so supernatural yet so real but totally outside of material explanation that I am comfortable calling it “Proof”. I do lean towards Piper more though simply because he seems to have a level of humility that MacArthur SEEMS to be missing. Peace be with you and God bless! Endorse: David Wilkerson, Derek Prince…


ALL OF YOU must watch the MacArthur/Piper conference video.
They are like Jhon and Pedro
Exactly same personality!
They are great God's warriors
I love both of them.
May God bless them both


Martin Luther put it like this:
"If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point. "


I haven’t come down hard on either side but I do have a question for cessationists. I believe you would say that you see in scripture the cessation of the gifts, also due to the closing of the canon. Also, some say the historical record shows no gifts at work. I assume a person is a cessation also because they’ve never witnessed a genuine manifestation of those gifts. How much of a role does that play in that position?


Rom 12:6  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith... These men were not raised and discipled to believe in the full counsel of God regarding the strict Biblical standards of "the prophetic" in the new testament church, so wherever they are, and they are not far from the kingdom in these areas, they are closer than most.


Pastor MacArthur really disappointed me on this one. Not his interpretation, but his spirit.


Why out of nowhere is John MacArthur getting slammed and getting name called by everyone?? People in the comments on other videos are being extremely disrespectful. John piper and John MacArthur are men of God.


John MacArthur stands on far firmer biblical ground. The TBN crowd has made a mockery of the Lord.


What did Pastor John mean at 5:12 when he said he is “trying to make judgment calls about proportion of importance?” Just curious. Thank you! I love Pastor John and his material.
