Python String Methods [Ultimate Guide]

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TABLE OF CONTENTS - Python String Methods
07:20 - capitalize()
08:48 - casefold()
10:12 - center()
11:55 - count()
14:45 - encode()
17:36 - endswith()
20:47 - expandtabs()
22:27 - find()
24:58 - format()
26:55 - format_map()
28:54 - index()
30:32 - isalnum()
31:39 - isalpha()
32:05 - isascii()
33:23 - isdecimal()
33:40 - isdigit()
34:34 - isidentifier()
37:35 - islower()
37:52 - isnumeric()
38:20 - isprintable()
40:50 - isspace()
41:57 - istitle()
43:28 - isupper()
43:53 - join()
46:08 - ljust()
46:58 - rjust()
47:44 - lower()
48:01 - lstrip()
48:42 - rstrip()
49:01 - strip()
49:28 - maketrans()
50:36 - translate()
52:00 - partition()
53:40 - rpartition()
54:10 - removeprefix()
54:40 - removesuffix()
55:16 - replace()
56:33 - rfind()
57:47 - rindex()
59:12 - split()
1:01:16 - rsplit()
1:02:30 - splitlines()
1:03:36 - startswith()
1:05:51 - swapcase()
1:07:01 - title()
1:08:32 - upper()
1:08:48 - zfill()

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A good refresher. As you always say 'knowledge compounds'. Thanks Chris
