3 Cheap Mics That Beat the Expensive Ones

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I've worked with $10,000 mics and $50 mics, and I've spent a lot of money swapping out different microphones in my project studio.
What I discovered is that although the expensive mics are a nice treat, there are more affordable alternatives that sound just as good (or better).

Here are 3 cheap studio mics that actually BEAT the more expensive alternatives:

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Hey can you turn the music up louder, feel like moshing to your commentary


Great to see some love for the SM7b! It's fantastic on guitars and as a hi hat mic too. Stellar video as always.


I own a Neumann TLM 107 ($1699) and the Shure SM7B and I have to say that I find myself tracking vocals with the Shure 90% of the time. Thought I was crazy for choosing it but like you said Jordan, it sounds great especially in a home or small studio. I run it through an Avalon M5 or Heritage Audio DMA73.


Moreover, I think your approach is the right one. Who cares about the price of the gear used? What matters is the "price" of the song, if it rocks, it freaking rocks!


I have found that I really like my U87 much better after I figured out to engage the -10 db pad. This made it not quite as sensitive I believe and allowed my to push my 1073 a little harder and really add some of the Neve colour to the track. Much happier after I started using this concept. I do want to try the SM7B though as I have heard lots of positive reviews on this mic.


Background music too loud dude but great video man 😎👊


Great advise dude, I may add two philosophies that I Follow regarding mics or gear in general.
1.- Some clients look for high end gear in Budget studios, rather than your skills as an engineer. Sale your sound not the gear or where you did it. If you are looking for outstanding wacky awesome result your actions should be equal as well.
2.- Be aware of your potencial market, is no good to have a million dollar studio without potential clients before you build it. If you are staring up better be with attitude and quality that becomes your trademark. Don’t spend too much money on gear that you can’t market in your price range or lease you’re working on budget and in deficit that will eventually kill you.
Keep bringing more videos, and greetings from CDMX.


Can't say I'm surprised that a low sensitivity dynamic mic works better than a U87 in a small or not very treated studio


Solid, user-based information. The internet should have more of it. Good job.


It's funny you mentioned the E604s.

When I did my BTEC Diploma at college, we used E604s on toms. I'll tell you the mics we used on Drums.

Kick - AKG D112 (Known as the "Egg Mic")
Snare top - SM57 (Same goes for the bottom mic)
Hihat - AKG C414 (it was the same for the Ride and Crash cymbals)
Toms - Sennheiser E604

Sometimes we'd do the room mics, and on those occasions we used one AKG C12 that our college had for the overheads.

All of that was going through an Allen & Heath GSR24M.


my favorite alternative to the e604's is the audix d2 and d4. I personally like these better because they pick up more low end from toms, but they are so so good and so affordable too.


I just bought a matched pair of Behringer C2s for overheads and am absolutely floored by how great they sound. $60 for the set AND they come with a stereo bar.


I'm in love with the Sm58. Best and cheaper purchase ever! The 57 sounds good but I'm all for the 58!


Couldn't agree with you more on the SM7b. Not only is it a great sounding mic, it's also a great mic if your recording environment is less than ideal. Also, for a really good set of cheap SDCs, I'd recommend checking out the Rode M5s. I've got a set, great set of mics for only $260 Canadian. The only catch is that they don't come with a carrying case, but I already had a case that I could put them in so I didn't mind.


So true. The KM184s do work well (especially on some acoustic guitars) in imperfect rooms in close proximity, though, and aren't so expensive as most other Neumanns. The AKG 251B is also killer -- as you point out -- on some things.


I work in rooms that have U87s, U67s, U47s, M49s, etc... etc... I find that for most cases, there is a significantly cheaper alternative that works just as well as the big boys. Source is what matters most.


Sennheiser FTW! Their drum mics are the bomb. Did HUNDREDS of live shows using them.


So true. Sad when I do a A/B on a 57 and 87 lead vocal From a friend that mixed for 20+ years. And I chose the sm57 thinking was the 87. Check out the Roswell mini k47. $299 new Great mic for what’s under the hood Love the slate stuff to


Love the 421. Sennheiser e904s are my go to. They sound amazing, they're small like the 604s, and they just are rock solid.


Why don't you add sound samples for the comparison? I would like to hear that the Shure SM7b sounds better than the Neumann U87 – I own both and sorry… I can't agree to your rating.
