Easily Add Filtering In SwiftData Using Searchable 🕵🏾‍♂️ | Filter in SwiftData | #3

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Easily Add Filtering In SwiftData Using Searchable 🕵🏾‍♂️ | Filter in SwiftData

Build A To-Do List App using SwiftData (Swift Data Tutorials)



00:00 - Intro
00:17 - How To Add A Searchbar In SwiftUI
01:18 - How To Filter Data In SwiftData
06:53 - How To Filter On Multiple Properties In SwiftData
09:44 - Handling empty states in SwiftData


So, how do you filter data in SwiftData using SwiftUI? Well, it's actually quite simple. In this SwiftData Tutorial. We'll be taking a look at how to filter data in SwiftData using the searchable modifier in SwiftUI.

We'll be filtering out our to-do items' title and category names to display the relevant to-do items to the user.


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Рекомендации по теме

Watched a few tutorials before I found this one. None of them clicked until this! Thank you, my friend!


You're my absolute favorite YouTuber !!! I'm learning so much watching your videos, and I'm very close to launch my first app; and not just that but you're fun to watch!!! Thank you!!!


thank-you. I've been working on this problem for weeks, I was trying to use - init(sort: - but that was getting me no where. this solution seems too easy and works great


You came in clutch many times ever since i started making my app a few weeks ago. Always had a video for whatever frustrating roadblock i was in. Really appreciate you sharing what you learned with everyone else, I could not fathom having to spend hours figuring this out on my own just by reading documentation. Thanks.


I am extremely enjoying your this series. Great Job. I learned some cool stuff.


very good video, well explained and worked perfectly for my application... keep up the great work!


This is a great one! How would you go about hiding the search bar when there are no To-Dos yet? Since the .searchable modifier does not directly support conditional application, would you recommend going with a conditional view structure?


Fantastic video you made and great ways to have a searching bar . I have a question: if I accidentally delete the item, how do I restore it, or how do I make a query that filters all deleted items and show them on a view where i can restore the items that i want to ?


LOVE your videos!! Can you filter on the Date?? I can not seem to right code for the comparable to give me all items due on one date.


Thanks so much for this series! It's really helpful!
Just one thing, between video parts, I'm noticing some continuity issues. For example, at 1:12 I see there's code for .sheet, but I don't have that at all. I double-checked the Github repo and that also has what I have. Where did this new code come from? I've been following each video part very closely and did not see any modification to this part of the code in a prior part. Can you please explain or perhaps point to an updated Github repo? Thanks!


We’re going places alright thanks to you 🙏 😂 just another great video ❤

Suggestion: vid no.4 Sync the app with iCloud 😬 no pressure. I don’t need it but it’s just a suggestion. 👋


Thanks for the vids man! How would we be able to fetch only items that match today's date?


If I have two LIST on a single View: how can I get the .searchable to work separately for both?


This works for one query on the dataset creating the List but how would filteredItems work when you section the list for Active and Completed items? I ended up in a continuous loop. I'm thinking a List to replace the the display of the two sections when searchquery is not empty and a list with the two sections showing when searchQuery is empty.


Could you do a tutorial of download data from a REST API and saving that data into SwiftData?


Just noticed that my filteredItems is returning ONLY Items and not Categories as well. Could it be the definition? Too Quick on the comment didn't watch long enough...sorry.


I was wondering why the list was getting redrawn each time a simple computed property was changing, but it is because searchQuery is declared with @State


Firstly, thank for this!
Secondly, are you sure this is the right way we should be filtering?
As far as I can see -- and feel free to correct -- we are still fetching 100% of the database.
And then, we're filtering those (possibly thousands) of entries.
If you have, say a diary app, that's going to be a big DB hit after years of use.
It seems to me that we need to be filtering at the query level, with a predicate.


Value of type '[IngredientItem]' has no member 'Name'

why am i getting this error?


Really good videos buddy! How much do you make on this channel if you don't mind me asking? Is it upwards of $50, 000 per year?
