Meh: How one public servant describes going back to office 3 days a week

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Steve Partridge, a public servant, casts his vote in the MEH category about returning to work 3 days a week as a public servant in Ottawa.
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This is why I went back to the private sector. Having a brain and a work ethic is not permitted in the public service.


Just quit, let another person have your job.


The whiny reactions of the public servants is embarrassing for all Canadians.


The horror of actually showing up at work. Yes we all would love to stay at home and receive government money.


These poor babies have to actually come to work, 3 whole days a week! The horror!
I, on the other hand, showed up, and worked 5, sometimes 6, days a week. 50 weeks a year. For 35 years. And for 30 of those years, I travelled an hour+, each way. And I thought I was lucky!
I guess I, and most hard working Canadians, were wrong.


I didn't even know that this was still happening. I thought that everyone had went back to work after covid. They're bitching about having to go into the office?! Hey listen, I'll take his job with a 10% pay cut and promise to come in EVERY DAY.


Public employees are spoiled rotten, no private sector employees are getting paid like these fools.
They just want more and more benefits and money!
Research how much a food service worker makes at a hospital, also Research what a by- law officer makes!
the average salary for a jr. Vice-president in the private sector is 105, 867.00 the higher paid ones make 156, 000.00.
It cost the Ontario government pays teachers, a salary over 100k benefits that cost a fortune, a indexed pension for life including the benefits till death and if the have a partner that person gets a survivors pension. So the cost is roughly 145% of there salary hey and they have 220, 000 teachers.
I would cancel all collective bargaining agreements and renegotiate them to bring them in line with private sector employees!!
I grew up in Ottawa and this is a big government town, the ones i know are honest and say the truth which is they are over paid under worked and have to many privileges.
Can anyone name a private corporation that would pay these amounts.
No because they would go bankrupt real quick.😮


Meh, take your 64% pension and sunny days then🎉


Taxpayers are paying your wages. 50% of you should be laid off, the rest of you get back to work at the work place, its not too much to ask or demand. Enough of this bullshit.


It depends on the industry. If I work for the government, I would make less but get a slightly better benefits and pension package. It goes both ways.


32 years with the same job.. your very lucky..
If you don't want to travel in .. please let me come for your job.. I would be more than happy to travel into a office for a shit down desk job..
