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Chris Ryan PGA Professional at The Belfry shows you a simple pre shot routine that can help you address the ball much better with the driver and hit more fairways

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►Golf lessons avilable with Chris at The Belfry Hotel and Resort, contact Chris for further information.

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My golfing buddy introduced me to this set up today, I hit more consistent strait drives with greater distance and carry than before. A great tip keep up the good work Chris


Adopting this setup process has been the piece that has taken my consistency to another level. I've worked on my grip and finally got fitted for a new driver (2016 M2), but I was finding that I was still struggling with consistency. Sometimes I would hit a terrible shot left (either a hook or a straight pull) and other times I would slice while other times it would be a straight drive. The consistency was just terrible. And what I believe I found was that my setup was stance first and then put the driver down. Through this setup process, I believe I discovered that the type of drive I hit before adopting this setup depended on how my hands reacted to a poor setup process. After adopting this setup of building the stance around the club, I have become much more consistent on my drives. I still have some miss hits, but I've discovered that they are less frequent and not as severe as before. Thanks for this advice Chris. Jim in Iowa, USA


I like this tip a lot. Every instructor tells you about the ball position forward for driver, but if you leave the part out about needing to adjust where your hands go, it only makes sense that the club is leaning back and the face is open. Well done; this is great insight!


I've built my game on you tube clips from various instructors but I'd say my game is currently 70% Chris Ryan, 30% other instructors hehe.(Hcp down from 15 to 4 since November 2017)Thank you Chris!


Struggled with a wicked slice with the driver, tried this set up at the range today and I was hitting straight drives, slightly pulled shots and mild fades which for someone with an index of 33.7 is more than ok. Simple to incorporate and repeatable. Thanks.


Hi chris great tips playing my best ever golf but driver was becoming a pain four left ⤴️
Now great draw picked up 20 + yards 🏌🏻‍♂️


Hi Chris; This has helped fixing my slice to the point where 90% are down the middle of the fairway,
I am over the moon having just taken up golf again at 70. Many thanks.


Think you may have saved my life! I've been hitting flat and low drives and I've tried adjusting my grip and swing path and had lessons but I think this is it! My set up has been wrong the whole time! Makes sense now. Your club needs to be set up to the left to allow the club to hit on the up!


This was a great video. In all the driving videos I've watched no one addresses this, this is so excellent thank you.


Chris you are a legend! If youre having driver issues and with consistency and slice this will works 100%! Did it this morning on the course with also the help of flattening the wrist instead of cupping and struck every drive dead straight or with a slight draw! Thanks champ!


I have shared this with others that struggle with setup. It certainly helped me. Thank you.


I Tried this yesterday and it helped so much, my drives were a lot straighter, I tend to pull. Thank you Chris, a really helpful tip and not difficult to implement on the tee.


I like that! I do that naturally without know I'm doing it as my routine, I guess I've been playing so long some time back I must have learned this.


Just tried this approach at the range this morning - hit about 30 balls or so with the driver and the majority of them went straight and well over 200 yards with a nice easy swing. I usually have an amazing slice which causes me to avoid the driver and use long irons to avoid frustration. This lesson is a game changer for me. Fantastic lesson Chris! I'm sharing this with all my buddies.


Great tip Chris. Thanks, I will try it next time, as I think it will help to reduce my spinning shots that start straight but end up 20+ yards to the right.


I have to say your video's help me the most on the course and I'm sure this one will as well being I have that routine where I build my stance before I address the ball. Can't wait to try this and thanks for another great video.


Great tip. I reckon I set up with the handle behind the ball, thinking that that's how to hit up on it. But as discussed here, you want to be hitting up, with the face neutral. Thanks.


Thank you for this tip! Big difference and perspective.


very very useful instruction. You the man. Will definitely incorporate this.


Think you, ve just shown me how wrong ive been setting up for yrs.Always thought it was my driver and ive just upgraded to a taylormade and not seen much improvement but im sure gonna give this a blast and fingers crossed i wont have to change my driver every few months :)
