Air-Synth: Democratizing CO2 Conversion with Open Source Peer Production.

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Air-Synth is a new open source initiative that aims to rapidly develop, democratize and evolve technology that can electroreduce CO2 from the air into ethanol or other materials that can be used in products and processes, such as 3D printing. The current prototype, developed by a team led by inventor Anirudh Sharma, uses a copper-based catalyst in a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) integrated with a zero-gap electrolyser.

In this discussion, filmed during COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Anirudh joins other members of OpenAir's AirSynth team to discuss project origins and goals, and their plans to build a global network of university-based clubs to accelerate breakthroughs and advancements.

- Anirudh Sharma, OpenAir - Discord: @zwanderer
- Alexander Ose, OpenAr - Discord: @alexose
- Michael DeMaesschalck, OpenAir - Discord: @Mike D
Moderated by Chris Neidl, OpenAir - Discord: @Neidl_c

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