How to Create a Vision for Your Life So Bold, It Makes You Shine | Vishen Lakhiani

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In this talk from A-Fest Bali, 2018, Vishen Lakhiani talks about how you can create the best vision for you and your life, and how in doing so, this can set you up for greater successes and make you shine.

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So funny! My first teacher though me to meditate when I was 7! So blessed to have had her in my life! Also to visualize our dreams. What an angel!


I don't know but for some reason Vishens voice just strikes up something inside me that is beyond any words, like a spark to Dream


Vishen's energy is electrifying. And I love how raw and honest he is. I love that he swears and has such amazing expansive energy on stage. It's extraordinary to watch.


Even though I am a disabled veteran with absolutely no money I can see myself as a VIP at the LA event in 2020.


I love Bob Proctor and I love you Vishen, I found you by accident. This is one of the best videos I've seen in a long time. I needed to hear this! Thank you!


Vishen, thank you for all the free content!


Wow Vishen. I specifically looked for this video because in one of your adverts, you to talk about our goals coming from society. I wondered what you meant by that. I then went through a very traumatic experience. It was beyond scary. I asked myself, "Is this the end of me?" I had to look for answers.

I also had to face the fact that I had had a big vision that I thought I would never give up on but the unthinkable happened. I did give up on it. I gave up because the opposition was horribly fierce and even people who had supported me initially, turned against me. It was hard, I hung onto life by a very thin thread. After that I learned to just exist. It has been a painful 4 years of honestly not living, since then. Depression soared. Each day was a struggle. There was no meaning for me in what I opted to do just to put food on the table. One of my debilitating illnesses was fibromyalgia. I felt like the walking dead.

I knew I was disconnected from myself and did not know how to reconnect. When the recent massive trauma came, I had lost faith in myself but when does one go to quit on life? I was barely making money as I had no energy.

The trauma was definitely going to kill me if I did not connect with my purpose and vision. Every night for a month I felt like my nerves had been taken over by "an alien force" The pain from random parts of my body at any given point in time felt unbearable. I was determined not to use medication because I desperately needed answers. I used mindfulness and listening to teachers like you.

In one of the videos I watched, you quoted Neale Donald Walsh in "Conversations with God" where he says God said, "I have sent you nothing but angels." It really rings so true as I navigate these trauma and recovery waters. I now embrace all the betrayal I've experienced. It's still hard to deal with some of it but I embrace and celebrate it nonetheless.

Ngiyabonga(A Zulu expression for saying thank you). I'm rekindling my vision, I feel it is important for mankind but I'm also shit scared! I'm gaining courage one tiny fraction at a time. Thanks for showing me how amazing the universe is. It think this is my affirmation. " Why is the universe so awesome to me?"


Vishen, If you are reading this I must tell you I'm addicted to the way you present these mind blowing techniques - Great respect from India.


Absolutely LOVE Mind valley and all your content 😍
Each time I listen to you Vishen, I just think how similar your name sounds to VISION !!! 😍🤩
Meeting you & attending Afest is on my bucket list. 🤩🤩
Loads of love from India 💖


I learn so much from MindValley you're doing a good job


Vishen Lakhiani, it takes a lot for me to get impressed from someone, But I am your biggest fan. I dont know why, how and when I came across mind valley and subscribed to it. But recently have been really enjoying it. I love how you bring so much to the world and I wish I get to the point where I could give back to atleast my community . I have a huge vision and I feel it but dont know how to get their. I feel mind valley is my media to reach me to my Destiny. I want to empower every women and make them feel confidant and powerful in their own skin. I want to give them tools of empowerment .i know I have some purpose to come to the world and I want to manifest that. Help me to get their where I belong.


Now I have a new virtual mentor. Thanks Vishen. You don’t know how much your work impacts the world.


so funny I was resistant to giving you a listen because the ads felt incessant: the universe is incessantly trying to give us what we want and sometimes we receive the hints and nudges and constant offerings as annoying at first. Mind Valley appears to be creating a lexicon of deliberate creation which is so immensely beautiful. Coming to this now confirms my intention so synchronously and helps me relax and connect with my own knowing and vision more deeply- I see us working together in a radically fun way within the next few years.


Sometimes it becomes very difficult to not doubt your goals... specially when everyone around you tells you that you're crazy and when you have no idea how you would get there....


Thank you, Vishen and Mindvalley, for guiding us in our spiritual journey.


I jounaled and took notes. Thanks vishen. I also picked up something that may be irrelevant to many. Vishen said that before he began visioning he was meditating for years. When a person meditates you are connecting with the spirit. I beleive that all that meditation led him to later on have his visions of speaking life into his mind valley dream.


Love from India My vision "mentor in mindvalley"
Remember my name "Abhishekh Mishra"
See you in -20 years


What is your boldest vision of yourself? Are you brave enough to share it in the comments below...👇


Highly influential speech.a million thanks for this


Thank you mindvalley and Vishen love from India
