Are You An Innie or Outie?

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Hi! I’m Sharon Jurd and today I want to talk to you about whether you’re an innie or an outie. And what I mean by that is when things are going wrong in your business and when they’re not going the way that you would like them to go, when your life may be in a bit of turmoil. It’s quite easy for most of us to go blame, blame, blame!

And what that means is that you’re going, “It’s the economy. It’s the government, it’s the weather, it’s the customers.” Anything that you can point your finger at, you’re going to blame. And what I want you to do today is go, “No, I’m not going to be an outie. I’m actually going to be an innie.” And what that means is looking within yourself and go, “Why isn’t my business going quite right?” Look within and say, “What can I do to make it better?”

Don’t worry about the government. Don’t worry about the economy. Don’t worry about the customers. Look within yourself and go, “The only thing that I can change is myself. I can’t change all of those things.” So let’s start changing within. Look within and go, “How can I improve my skills?” Get more educated. Get mentors around me that will help me, you know, improve my skills around what I need to achieve. And then you look within yourself and go, “How am I treating my team? How am I treating my partner?” When you have an argument with your partner you go, “Ah, it’s all his fault. It’s all her fault.” You should go, “Okay, what can I do that’s better to make this relationship great?”

Once you look within and do everything within to make those changes you will feel that there is a better place and there is a better a way. Those changes will take place and what wasn’t so good in the first place now becomes wonderful. So think about yourself and go, “Am I an innie or am I an outie?” And make sure that you are an innie and look within yourself and make your world a better place.

I’m Sharon Jurd. Thanks for listening and I’ll talk to you soon.

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Thanks ... I was Wondring what it meaning ?
