Sure-Fire Non-Chemical Wasp Control

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Wasps are a common problem in the yardscape or outdoor dining areas. During the warm months, they can become quite aggressive and quickly ruin a nice event!

While it’s impossible to entirely eliminate wasps, you can really fight back and lessen their numbers to the point that very few show up to spoil your party! In this episode, you’ll learn what the wasp is after in the early spring versus what they are hungry for later in the summer and how you can use that knowledge to wage battle successfully with them!

The best news is that you can use one of the most common household substances available - without buying pesticides to do the job. We’ve used this approach to “take out” hundreds of wasps at a time, close up, without protection to do the job. Our method coats their bodies and does not allow them to respirate, “dropping” them very quickly. While oily substances can be used to accomplish this, we think you’ll agree this approach is cleaner and much more environmentally friendly!

Please note these TWO viewer warnings:
1.) Several wasps WERE harmed in the production of this video.
2.) If you are highly allergic to bee, wasp or other insect venoms, exercise caution. While we have never suffered any stings using this method, we can't guarantee you’ll have the same experience. Proceed at your own risk!

Do you have some insights to offer? If so, won’t you share your knowledge by commenting below? THANKS!
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A little late to the channel but started with the (edge trimmer on the table saw) hoping to see your updated on? So thank you for sharing that. I have been searching all over for a straight edge jig that doesn’t requires expensive hardware clamps you have to buy, and it’s amazing how much scrap plywood everyone has! My shop is 1/2 garage and a outside shed. Will I did make the jig but raised the blade up through the wood instead of adding the piece for the out feed. I mainly work on pallets most of my work is reclaimed wood making flags.So thank you for sharing, the wasps just start here in Oregon have to get the spray bottle out. 👍


I've never heard of controlling wasps this way before. Thanks Jay, I'm going to give it a try!


This was interesting thank you, some are saying not to kill them because if you leave them alone they won’t sting. Not true, wasps are predatory unlike bees and will sting for no reason. If you piss one wasp off even by accident they release pheromones to the others to come help attack. Myself I’m deadly allergic and they are bad this year so they have to go. I like this idea so I don’t have to use chemicals around where birds go and wildlife. Now I don’t like anything to suffer so as soon as they are down I’ll end it quick so they don’t suffer. But anyway just wanted to say wasps do like to sting unprovoked.


I do the same thing with a pump sprayer. I spray their nest in the evening.


I found it unbelievable that those wasps didn't care that he was there that close. I don't know if I would try it but it's good to know that secret.


We were driving behind your truck in the state of Wyoming driving to rawlins, had to subscribe and leave you a message


I’ve been doing this for years with the same results. It probably came from a Transcript article pre-YouTube written by Jay Cooper.


excellent thanks for sharing have any recipes for pickled eggs


They help to pollinate your crops and fruit trees, also help with insects.


Wasps were a big problem this summer. I deterred waspers from rebuilding nests in my son's playhouse by hanging Kroger bags as fake nests. I did not find a solution to the yellow jackets. Hornets were another problem. We believe a huge nest is on a neighbor's property. I have family members with severe allergies to bees.


Great info to know, will this work on yellow-jackets too?


Great idea! I hate those pesky boogers!👍


Despite their poor public image, wasps are incredibly important for the world’s economy and ecosystems. Without them, the planet would be pest-ridden to biblical proportions, with much reduced biodiversity. They are a natural asset of a world dominated by humans, providing us with free services that contribute to our economy, society and ecology.


What can you make at home to kill red ants? Or any kind of ants.


You're killing insects that can sometimes not sting you God made that if you don't mess with him they won't sting you


Too much information about the subject, just keep it simple
