006: PowerShell Pipe - By Value & By Property Name
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This is part of the Java, PowerShell, and Excel Video Series.
Time Stamps, you can click on the time to get to the section you are interested in.
05:56 Pipe
07:34 Using get help to understand parameter by-value (-InputObject)
11:34 Passing the value example
22:18 Get-Command -ParameterType System.Diagnostics.Process
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Time Stamps, you can click on the time to get to the section you are interested in.
05:56 Pipe
07:34 Using get help to understand parameter by-value (-InputObject)
11:34 Passing the value example
22:18 Get-Command -ParameterType System.Diagnostics.Process
#softwaredevelopment #programming #visualization #coding #design #productdesign #designthinking #architecture #documents #documentations #plantuml #excel #microsoft #powershell #macro #scripts #java #automation
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