How To Build your own Berserk Magic Find Barbarian! - Finally Getting ours setup in SP

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Llama: "I have the Lo rune and everything, just waiting for the right base to drop."
*Grey Archon Plate drops*
Llama: *Save and Exit*


Important thing with this character is to NOT have any cold damage(ravenfrost etc.), because you don't want to shatter the corpses of the bosses you kill. Same for your merc - no vamp gaze or any cold damage.


I saw the archon plate and thought the same thing, but I also appreciate the professionalism towards the purpose of your video.


Without enigma on budget I ran trav+pindle+shenk/eldritch and then new game. Worked pretty well


I've started this character a few months ago but I struggled very hard to lvl him up as it was NOT fun so I just left it there for a while.
I come back to the game and after one week I'm like "ok, I'll reset his stats for the 6th time and try again to level him up". (your guide helped but remember i was trying to have some fun with it while leveling).

I managed to kill Ball in Hell with it and started to do a few trav runs after that...
After a few runs what do I find ? A FREAKING BER RUNE. I was stocked !
I went to sleep happy this night (this was on the 25th of this month so, Sunday).


Next morning, I woke up, took my breakfast yada yada yada and started D2R.
I'm like "ok baby barb, let's goooo" and start doing trav runs again.

I was right to give him another chance !


Guys, save yourself a Cham rune, get the Rune master axe with 5x Ist and put the 6th Ist in your shako


I’ve got to say, I love all the videos I’ve seen on your builds. This is the one that I enjoy the most and glad I stumbled upon it.


It gave me great pain that you skipped that Archon Plate...


I’ve been following your holy grail from the very start lol. I play offline exclusively and I finally finished my pit zerker today. Had to cube up two Lo, four sur, and two ber just to get my jah rune. I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t already have my grief and fortitude lol.

Your guides have been extremely helpful for me to find everything and helped keep the game fun throughout the process! Thanks!


Mine is slightly different I have isted arreats and a Trang’s belt, with dual 30% nagels. I’m at the resistance cap and I find with dual wiz spikes my tele speed is still pretty good. I also have 20 in find item and find potion as that’s the goal of the build right so even though it’s 6% it adds up over time! Then the dump points in to battle orders. My merc is specced for trav running with eth guardian angel and kiras. 671% MF and I can do most areas without too much trouble. Just a slight variation.


Grats on setting up your zerk barb! I hope the RNG will favor him on his grail.

The berserker's my favorite character, he can be built for so many different purposes! He can adapt his gear to MF any high level zone, no matter the mob types, even undead magic immunes using azurewrath offhand (the physical ED provided by the aura will work even with berserk since the new patch) or a concentrate hybrid. I've been getting very high elite kills per hour in the swampy pit or the stony tomb, definitely worth a try if you're looking to mix things up. I think you varied your farming areas a lot on the sorc for your first grail, and the barb has the same capability. Good luck!


Wow, I have never been much for the Barb builds, but after seeing this, I think I will give it a shot. Thanks for the upload!


I started a fresh account 3 days ago. Running your build of Singer barb and building towards a Zerker MF like this. Am glad to say am just a Jah away from enigma and I can finally ignore those normie monsters! Again I started with 0 and ran through the game ez pz with singer barb. TY VM! your videos are a godsend!


Singer barb is the best trav farmer. It’s also a hell of a lot cheaper. My build only needs 2 vex and 4-6 ist.

Run from WP to durance lvl 1, run back out, taunt to bring casters close then war cry then find item.

Running mine on ladder with 2 hoto (rolled a 40 first time and traded for two 30s), skulders (need my jah for enigma), arach, Magefist, sandstorm trek, double nagel, Mara, 2 Ptopaz’d ik helm (traded first 2 shako drops). +5 fhr small charms for the break point, physical sunder, gheed, ani, torch, 2 war cry skillers and then +7 mf small charms.
I have dual Ali babas on switch.

Merc has non eth duriel shell, non eth insight CV, andys visage. Basically invincible when most everything is stunned and does decent enough damage.

One point stamina, speed, iron skin, resist, find potion, find item, shout, battle command, leap.

Max battle orders, war cry, howl, battle cry, taunt.

At lvl 90 I have max resistances (only coming from 1 hard point resist skill, dual low roll hoto, mid anni and low barb torch I got for a keyset), 5 frame hit recovery, 8 frame cast rate, 2100 damage per shout.

With just 1 hard point into find item and potion I have 52% chance before weapon swap. Switch weapons to Ali babas to find item and it drops to 48% (close enough) but over 500 gold find and magic find.

Might just put my next few points into find potion for the find item % as kill speed is acceptable.

I got all the gear to start by leveling and magic finding with my cold sunder blizz sorc up to level 90 running dirt cheap gear (except for um’d shako) and trading skiller gcs and bases.


I've played this barb all of this season after seeing your old video on the best mf char after they announced the synergy to item find.
Few pointers I have, mostly regarding grinding players 8 on any area (mainly cs, not just pit):
Max your damage! Go full howl and spend a few (4-7) points in natural resistance if you wanna deal with curses. LoH gloves will do more for you than chance guards. You really do not need more than like 50-60% chance to successfully find item. Using a stormshield has a lot of value.
Super fun character to play, even though you cant clear CS as fast as a pally


The thumbnail text would make for the hardest rap handle.


After a few weeks of rune farming just traded up to a lo and made my first grief, roll 398 too


I recently made my first Barb - so nice for farming Pindle (with harmony)


i need some advice to be able to get all that


The most important things i miss in the d2 builds are the how to level section.for a barb like a berserker you got a few options but if you choose a sorc for example its picl blizzard and your good to go with any kind of gear but for barb however its another story since your main weapon will be your killer.if you dont have a grief or botd the killing part will not be as fast as the ones when you own those 2 weapons.soo when will someone make those builds when you start a new char to put some choices into that build with what to level .poe mostly got it and thats really helpfull for new players.for me its no big deal i know diablo out of my head but this is just an shoutout to the streamers who make
this videos
