NestJS: Register & Login w/bcrypt & ... | NestJS Auth with JWT & Password Hashing Series 2/4

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Please make sure to read the README - to understand the concept of the series.
00:00 Welcome and short Overview over the Video
01:20 Look at Outcome of the video (in Postman)
03:10 Look at User Story in Trello
07:30 Create new Feature Branch with Git Flow and run the existing stuff
14:00 Read NestJS Validation and implement CreateUserDto and LoginUserDto
25:15 Create "Auth" Module
26:52 Read through Text about Bcrypt
31:45 Create "AuthService" and add passwortHashing and passwordComparing with bcrypt
36:30 Refactor User Controller Endpoints and add login Endpoint
39:15 Add functions to "UserService"
01:00:00 Verify everything with postman
01:04:00 Implement to throw correct error if Mail is not found
01:07:45 Finish Story, Commit Changes and merge it Back to Develop branche
I appreciate every feedback in the comments and would be happy if you also like && subscribe :)
NestJS is used in v7.
Nodejs is used in v12.
NPM is used in v6.
Main Frameworks:
00:00 Welcome and short Overview over the Video
01:20 Look at Outcome of the video (in Postman)
03:10 Look at User Story in Trello
07:30 Create new Feature Branch with Git Flow and run the existing stuff
14:00 Read NestJS Validation and implement CreateUserDto and LoginUserDto
25:15 Create "Auth" Module
26:52 Read through Text about Bcrypt
31:45 Create "AuthService" and add passwortHashing and passwordComparing with bcrypt
36:30 Refactor User Controller Endpoints and add login Endpoint
39:15 Add functions to "UserService"
01:00:00 Verify everything with postman
01:04:00 Implement to throw correct error if Mail is not found
01:07:45 Finish Story, Commit Changes and merge it Back to Develop branche
I appreciate every feedback in the comments and would be happy if you also like && subscribe :)
NestJS is used in v7.
Nodejs is used in v12.
NPM is used in v6.
Main Frameworks:
NestJS: Register & Login w/bcrypt & ... | NestJS Auth with JWT & Password Hashing Series...
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NestJS: Set Up | NestJS Auth with JWT & Password Hashing Series 1/4
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