Area 6 Secret Base Satellite Photos

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Most people, including defense industry experts, have only known about the existence of Area 6 for a few years, specifically when a photograph taken from a satellite in 2016 put the Nevada Desert location in the spotlight.

Even though the facility has existed for decades, it was only when internet sleuths spotted the cryptic airbase in the middle of nowhere that the world’s eyes turned to it and whatever military projects take place inside.

Several experts have tried to make sense of the few explanations that public figures have offered about the mysterious airstrip, but it is believed that the base has held the most secretive government projects for decades.

One day in 1982, President Ronald Reagan was notified of a top secret that posed a considerable risk to national security. Inside Area 6, a live nuclear bomb was being carefully lowered when, out of nowhere, a group of armed combatants suddenly stormed in…


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This facility is ran by Lockheed Martin for UAV testing. There's a whole lot of stuff in Area 6 you mention in this video, that have nothing to do with this facility. I also doubt it is visible during the public tours of the test site. If you look at Google Earth history, the airstrip wasn't even there in 1998, it does show up as a dirt strip in 2002. It didn't even exist during the atomic testing during the 50's and 60's. None of the hangars here "date back to the atomic testing days". The Control Point, still in use, isn't here but miles away. The NNSS has a very comprehensive security force. The facilities mentioned re: Darwin Morgan - these have nothing to do with this airstrip. Those would be the Nonproliferation Test and Evaluation Complex (NPTEC) 10 miles to the SE in Area 5, and the Radiological/Nuclear Countermeasures Test and Evaluation Complex (Rad/NucCTEC) 3 miles to the SW, near the DAF (Device Assembly Facility). You manage in this video to mash together the purpose of a number of these facilities into what you claim this airstrip and facility are doing. This facility isn't "Area 6", Area 6 contains a number of different facilities within its 100 square miles. ARGUS/Gorgon Stare has been in service since 2014, developed and tested on the MQ-9 Reaper at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.


It's a drone base. You can look at Google's historic imagery and see several around the hangars. It was only a single building with a helicopter landing pad back in the 90s with no air strip. Then it had a dirt strip built between 98 and 2002 before getting paved properly between April and June of 2005. While it's not certain how old the original building is, the runway has only been in existence for about 20 years.


There are airstrips all over Nevada. Some are old WW II bases, some were emergency landing sites. Some are copies of the layout of foreign bases used for practice attacks. You can speculate on any of them with all kinds of "secret" ideas.


I'd be disappointed if we weren't constantly creating and testing new stuff. Of course they would want the tech they're testing secret.


Area raided by armed combatants in 1982… improperly scheduled drill (that’s laughable on a number of levels)… invaders conducting a security exercise… Sounds like National Security Co-ordination Team, better known as Red Cell. Thank you Dick Marcinko (R.I.P) & Red Team members for the real work you did. Likely yet another example of how this now neutered team was able to enhance security by conducting exercises that demonstrated the difference between perceived capability and actual capability -this greatly inhanced our ability to defend our most sensitive military facilities and other assets from covert and overt attack.


This guy makes *every*thing sound secretive and possibly disastrous. I love it.


Drone Prep and launch strip. Their Control center is just West of this facility. These drones have varying payloads and mission op's available in this contained Area. A few years ago one of the Sat images showed a drone on the flight line.


This airstrip has been there for years and is in a no fly zone for civillian aircraft. There's a lot to be said for hiding things in plain sight, it takes attention from what's really going on as people speculate on what they think is going on. My guess is it's for training drone pilots in battlefield recon ops, there's a lot of real estate in that no fly zone they have all to themselves. It makes sense to use it.


Creech Air Force Base is a drone base located just east of this. This doesn't need to be there for drones when a much larger drone base is so close. This base, I believe, is something way different. Possibly a point connecting the underground facilities in the mountain to this base's east.


I am a Cold War history buff having researched the subject for over 4 decades. I discovered the facility on Google Earth while researching Area 51 and the Nevada Test Site several years ago. Wondering ever since what it is called and it's purpose. Now I may know more. Thank you.


This airstrip is actually called “Mercury Station”. Back in 1995, then CNO Admiral Boorda would fly in on his G4 Gulf Stream regularly. The jet belong to the Navy’s CFLSWDET Washington DC out of Andrews. When he arrived, the aircrew stayed on the tarmac and was never allowed to leave the aircraft while the CNO was escorted to the main facility.


Armed Combatants sound like Seal Team 6 and Richard Marcinko. They were actually tasked with doing things like this.


I live in Vegas and I know exactly where this is. Head north on U.S. 95. You'll eventually be driving in what appears to be the middle of nowhere and there'll be a single highway exit for "Mercury." This leads to the security shack that you must pass through to enter the small military town of Mercury. Mercury is the gateway to going further towards this base.


This area is probably helping develop new autonomous and unmanned systems. Airframes used to be built around the pilots and the G-force limitations they could take. Now you have unmanned vehicles whose tolerances can really be upped because now their limitations are their materials of which the airframe and propulsion units are comprised of. This opens up a huge possibility to new platforms we can't even imagine.


MAJORITY of people dont even know that the entire Nevada range exists. They just hear of Area 51 or Groom Lake but the complex is massive


😂 I worked at the NNSS for a couple of years. The test site is an interesting place with a fascinating history. You can learn a lot about the NNSS by visiting the Atomic Museum in Las Vegas. Area 6 was just another place on the site where people worked.


Some of these senor manufacturing, testing and calibration are very sensitive. Lens/cameras are also classified as sensors as well. The reading of these tests can be affected by electricomagnetic fields from cell towers, power lines, mobile phones, antything transmitting telecommunication frequencies. You need a very remote, sterile location in order to test and calibrate these sensitive sensors accurately


That acronym “ARGUS” is also the Greek name for a mythological giant who had many eyes. Sort of fitting.


This isn’t just an air base. The base goes under ground. The base is most likely got a massive tunnel system which has many junction points Area 51 being on of them. They likely store air craft underground as well not just UAVS either, experimental air craft do live there.


Area 6 is a test and development location for drone's. Creech AFB is a drone base near Area 6. I was at Indian Springs Air Aux Base before it became Creech. I was on a SDA there.
