DSV analysis - a hidden gem of Denmark

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A quick view on the Danish stock DSV

How it is doing during the struggling markets for a health care company.

With some views on Ratios, general thoughts and insights.

Simple Analysis of DSV 2022 | Financial stock market analysis of DSV


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Great analysis, thanks. DSV is one of my core positions and one of my absolute favorite companies. DSV is short for "De Samvirkende Vognmænd" = something like "The united Truckers" and indicate that the company was started as a coorporation between independent truckers. The company business model still reflect this today. It is an asset light model (a platform company) where distribution centers are owned, but transport capacity to a large extend is rented from small independent truck-companies. This makes DSV much more agile in volatile times, compared to must of their competitors - they can scale up- and down wihtout large investments in trucks.


i was looking at this company and wanted another opinion. I didn't know about DSV being interested in DB Schenker that changes a lot! thanks for the analysis im subbing for more😄


Engelsken din har blitt mye bedre siden videoen på KID. Kommer fra kommentarfelt på nordnet, fantastisk kanal fortsett med dette!
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