Turning Your Dental Passion into Profits - Everyday Practices Podcast: Episode 144

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“It took a long time to go this direction, but I’m doing what I love.” -Dr. Bridget Lervick
Are you listening to where your journey is taking you?
Dr. Bridget Lervick has a story all independent dentists need to hear. She is living in the sweet spot all entrepreneurs seek: combining a life you are passionate about while seeing success in your business.
Her story is so powerful because she had the bravery to stand up and say “I want this and I’m going after it”...and her passion is backed by numbers. You’ll hear us say this a lot at Productive Dentist Academy - if you take data and marry it with emotions that equals success.
As a new dentist, Dr. Lervick knew nothing about lip and tongue ties. But when she became a mom for the first time, she experienced pain and issues breastfeeding. With the help of a local dentist, her daughter had a frenectomy, and discovered a need for education and service to moms struggling like she did. Today, she is living her passion helping moms and their babies, and her dental practice is booming.
This won’t be your story. But we invite you to listen in to see what the possibilities are when you have the audacity to chase what you care about. Join us today as we unpack Dr. Lervick’s success and how to:
Harness your passion to grow your practice
Leverage your most powerful marketing tool
Find the support you need to grow your numbers

Productive Dentist Academy helps Dentists get off the month-to-month financial roller coaster so they can stop worrying about their practice and focus on creating a great patient experience.


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