Matt Walsh's 10 Tips for Life

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Matt Walsh gives 10 life tips that are sure to change your life.

#LifeAdvice #MattWalsh #DailyWire
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When pregnant with my first child a man held the door open for me. Apparently, he felt the need to say something. He chose “are you pregnant?” My response was “yes I am, which is a good thing or we’d both be embarrassed right now.”

That baby is turning 20 soon and it still makes me laugh.


No slippers in public. I really admire this woman that comes to the store in complete 1940s glamour.


"Mints that have been saturating in the fumes of strange farts all day."😂


Little did we know that Monique's prophetic pajama tip would start a movement. A circle of brothers, a republic of conservatives, a Sweet Baby Gang.


Commune with us Sweet Daddy Walsh, share your wisdom. SBG for life.


Don't worry Matt, you are not alone!
I've worked in Hospitality -- in ultra-fine dining restaurants -- where EVERY customer whim is catered to. And while I've earned a handsome living, almost exclusively from gratuities, I too am absolutely appalled at the ubiquity of Tip Jars, verbal tip inquiries, or iPad Gratuity options of 15%, 20%, or MORE FOR SOMEONE STANDING BEHIND A COUNTER OR AT A CASH REGISTER!!!
For me to earn MY 20% - 25% tip, I've got to walk to YOUR table, greet you and make chitchat and inquire what you'd like to drink (this usually requires a second, third, or multiple trips to get everyones drink order). I then verbally describe features, explain menu items: then I have to walk a considerable distance to the bar (Bartenders usually get 5% of the Waiter's Tip) to get your cocktails or bottle of wine, and serve them with a smile; I then often have to make TWO OR MORE TRIPS back to your table to take your dinner order, which I often must serve myself or at least be standing there as it's served by a Food Runner (who takes approximately 10% of MY 20% tip).
Once your food is served, I must check back within 2 minutes to ensure everything is satisfactory (this is done for each course).
I always have to bring additional rounds of drinks or refill water and soft-drinks throughout the meal).
In between courses, I maintain the cleanliness of your table, crumbing away food debris and unwanted items, before then marking each person at your table with the appropriate silverware for the course about to come. After dinner, I'M usually the one to make YOUR cappuccino and bring your desserts to your table, which I then clean up after you are done. I then bring your check to YOUR TABLE and return for a second (and sometimes third and fourth trip) to pick up the check and process your method of payment, which I then bring back to your table. My service does not end with that step, however, because oftentimes, coffee levels must be topped off, or other table maintenance continues, as guests often linger long after paying their bill. It's also not unusual for a guest to give me their parking ticket for validation, or request I get their coats from the Coat Room.
Once a you leave, I must either bus and reset your table, or Tip out a Busboy another 10% of my 20% Tip for HIS service to me.
In Fine Dining restaurants, waiters Tip out supporting staff (like busboys, bartenders, food runners, coffee people, and hosts) between 35% to 52% of their total tips. I log an average of 32, 000 steps per shift while working as a waiter.
Compare and contrast what I have to do for MY TEN to FIFTEEN PERCENT TIP (cuz, remember, I have to Tip out my support staff), with someone who simply stands at a counter taking orders, and then expects a 20% gratuity on everything ordered, even though they've done practically nothing to earn it.
Even worse, they often ask you to step aside as your order is being prepared, and then forget to call you up, or refuse to walk it over to you, when the coffee or order is finally ready.
When I see one of those cheesy, offensive, ubiquitous Tip Jars, with their "funny", snarky logos (like "tipping is not a city in China") I look the cashier directly in the eye and say "I'm a waiter who actually has to bust my ass to earn a Tip, so NO THANK YOU, I won't be tipping"


And for all the new audience members the Easter egg for the origin of Sweet Baby Gang is dropped in this video ✌🏻


Going out in pajamas is only acceptable for 2 things. One going out for baby supplies after 10 pm and two you’re sick and getting canned soup and NyQuil from the pharnacy


"It's emotionally correct if not factually correct."

I feel like this perfectly captures the essence of our time.


Love this man’s dry & wry humor. His intelligence.


The “ My sweet babies “ at the end, priceless. In all honesty, I’ve never felt so calm and cared for whilst being ridiculed about my non-formal wear I choose for day off errands 😂😂😂


I have discovered matt just recently. and i can say that, with his signature humor, he has made me genuinely happy after a long time of being depressed. Keep it up matt!


Only Matt is capable of giving random advice on random things that actually make sense lol


It's absolutely crazy how accurate Matt's middle seat requirements is. I was stuck in a middle seat on Delta from Baltimore to GA around 2 hrs and that's all I did was sit there uncomfortable for the whole ride didn't even pull my phone out just hating life had my headphones in but the seat tray was never unlocked my whole ride. I was just doing my duty. Not all heros wear capes but some do need to fly Delta unfortunately.


Damn first he told us what women were now he’s teaching us his sigma guide to life


“Always err on the side of being too rude than too polite.” Matt Walsh. Better advice has never been given!


Amen to the whole tipping thing. I work a cash register as part of my job, and I feel a part of my soul leave every time I have to ask someone if they want to leave a tip. I hate being pressured into tipping, and I hate it even more having to put other people in that situation; it's ridiculous what our society has come to.


matt, as an introvert I really appreciate your introvert life hacks. you're a role model for every introvert out there.


One tip I like is, if you want cheaper gas vote Republican.


20-25% as a baseline tip is insane. I've never understood why we tip based on how much we spent to begin with. Just because I spent more money doesn't automatically mean the server had to work harder.
