10 IT Hardware | #SaveAWeekWithSAS

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Video 10 of 18 - IT Hardware.
Why is it important that businesses choose the right IT Hardware?
Long gone are the days when business is run from paper; with paper ledgers and filing cabinets filled with files. You'd be hard pushed to find a company nowadays that isn't using software to run the core elements of their business. What you've got to take into consideration is the back end of that software. What's it running from? What you're looking for, from any hardware, is longevity, reliability, and efficiency.
What IT Hardware can be particularly beneficial?
That's a good question and it’s very hard to begin anywhere. All hardware is beneficial for a business. If you're talking about core infrastructure, then first and foremost you’re looking at the firewall to make sure you are protected from any outside attacks. Going further in to the business you're looking at your switches and telephony systems, all the way through to your servers which are going to host your business files, your active directory, domain, and your exchange platform. Additionally, on a more general basis, probably every single member of your staff will either have a laptop or a desktop and you might have tablets and mobile phones, these are all hardware and they are absolutely essential to the running of any business nowadays.
Who are key players in the UK market?
That is very dependent on the set up of your business. Some businesses will choose Apple to be the main stay for them. Other businesses will go down with a more personal computer. I would say that the main players for hardware are probably HP and Dell. They've been in the market for many years and have got a very strong hold of it. There are hundreds of other companies out there that offer hardware, and some of them are getting much better as time goes on, and you'll see them challenging the big hitters soon.
How can you #SaveAWeekWithSAS?
With hardware, let's face it, it really all does come down to cost. Software Advisory Service have got many hardware partners. What we will do for you is take the specifications that you require, and we will find you the best price within 48 hours.
Why is it important that businesses choose the right IT Hardware?
Long gone are the days when business is run from paper; with paper ledgers and filing cabinets filled with files. You'd be hard pushed to find a company nowadays that isn't using software to run the core elements of their business. What you've got to take into consideration is the back end of that software. What's it running from? What you're looking for, from any hardware, is longevity, reliability, and efficiency.
What IT Hardware can be particularly beneficial?
That's a good question and it’s very hard to begin anywhere. All hardware is beneficial for a business. If you're talking about core infrastructure, then first and foremost you’re looking at the firewall to make sure you are protected from any outside attacks. Going further in to the business you're looking at your switches and telephony systems, all the way through to your servers which are going to host your business files, your active directory, domain, and your exchange platform. Additionally, on a more general basis, probably every single member of your staff will either have a laptop or a desktop and you might have tablets and mobile phones, these are all hardware and they are absolutely essential to the running of any business nowadays.
Who are key players in the UK market?
That is very dependent on the set up of your business. Some businesses will choose Apple to be the main stay for them. Other businesses will go down with a more personal computer. I would say that the main players for hardware are probably HP and Dell. They've been in the market for many years and have got a very strong hold of it. There are hundreds of other companies out there that offer hardware, and some of them are getting much better as time goes on, and you'll see them challenging the big hitters soon.
How can you #SaveAWeekWithSAS?
With hardware, let's face it, it really all does come down to cost. Software Advisory Service have got many hardware partners. What we will do for you is take the specifications that you require, and we will find you the best price within 48 hours.