What is disability discrimination? | Equality law: discrimination explained

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Lauren Queen gives an introduction to equality law around age discrimination, under the Equality Act 2010.

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I hate being disabled and disability discrimination from work agencies and programs refusing to help me knowing full well I'm disabled since birth. Most of the time, I had to forcefully to omitted that I'm not disabled and autistic (despite I am) when it comes to employment. It's disgusting 😒😑


Thank you. I’m disabled and today I experienced discrimination at the Pandora store in Bicester Village (I wanted to buy a gift for my daughter). I have a walking stick and can’t stand for long at all (on some days I can’t walk). The manager was so rude and didn’t care that I needed to know a time when I could enter the store due to my disability. When I questioned her and asked why other people were being allowed in she told me she wouldn’t let me in at all. I travelled a 2 hour round trip and was treated like dirt. I’m exhausted and really feel so devastated by my experience.


The problem is that in every country, Acts are passed yet the Acts are not enforced so the disabled people still are discriminated against. If you are disabled and file a complaint for discrimination you will find that your discrimination will never find justice.


I have dyslexia, dyxcalcula, ADHD & memory impairment. I had to go to court to file for Child support for my 2 children, I requested accomodations when the hearing was finally coming up after 6 1/2 years. Due to my low income I could not afford an attorney & had to represent my self, I was told there was no accomodations for this type of Disability. After a virtual hearing I noticed they miscalculated child support for the years and number of children, I had to file a motion so they can correct there mistakes since there is a state guideline they go by can show where they made clerical mistakes & with my disability I could not correct at the moment. After I picked up the court notes is when it was obvious, it's been 7 months since this hearing I call to get updated in my motion with no resolve. I was told to file a new motion but why if they have not responded to the first one. The father has an attorney that must know this mistake benefits him. I have to now pay an attorney to recalculate what the court should have done with the correct information that was provided. This has caused me extreme financial hardship & emotional distress, Just knowing there are other like me or worst, to know they can be taken advantage of due to a disability really hurts.


I am fairly new to your lovely country. I am looking through these videos to get an idea how to aid my friend of now nearly 15 years from here in UK. Yet the way I see medical staff treat my friend is in blatant violation of this law. There are however medical professionals there me and her have met that do try to help and and understanding. I respect the people from medical field who understands my friends problems and do try to help. But I have a problem with the medical "professionals" who call my friend liar and a attention seeker on her medical records and refuse to show her her own records. I come from Finland and I've had this same type of treatment with my minor medical problems.

However to the point. I am thankful there being Brits like you making these videos for everyone of your lovely country. I have subscribed and will be checking more of your content.

Good hunting (my way of wishing everything best and/or good good luck, in this case it'd be both considering the times we live in)


It's good to hear how the discriminating Act of 1995 through our legal system can be use in law to forward legal proceedings.


It's difficult to fit in when you're reserved and have communication issues due to effects of autism which you can't help. Basically people try to tell you to look in their eyes, i had this not long ago from a mean Employment agency person who i complained to her manager about, i just find it abusive when they want to threaten you with control tactics when your naturally non compliant. (These people do Not understand even if you tell them) they use it against and still act bad because you refuse them But Stand your ground No matter what, Do not give in and Do Complain, these people are paid to help you Not be abusive.


Your truly a breath of fresh air

Thank you and
all you work with

Kindest wishes forever to you and all🌟🙏🌟


The manager at our local restaurant has a big issue with the genetic disability that my brother and I both suffer with. We feel discriminated against as he has said that we have been given our final warning, suggesting that we will be banned soon. We have a genetic blood disorder, and he insists that we do not leave blood on a napkin or anywhere else.
We are federally protected according to Americans with disabilities act, and he cannot require us to cleanup blood. The owner said that we can only visit the restaurant if we cleanup the blood as it is a biohazard safety concern which is not true since neither my brother nor I have any contagious diseases or transmittable infections. Other restaurants are familiar with our disability and have no issue at all with our bleeding disorder. The owner will not respond to any of my emails, so I had no choice but to post on their Facebook page but as a childish and cowedly act the owner banned me from their Facebook page.


My local council have refused me a Wet Room on a Lie. The OT came to assess me, I have psychogenic tremor, arthritis in both knees and I can't bath without pain - I can't kneel. I also have a narrowed Femoral artery and need an operation.
I get disability allowance.
The OT asked me, is it just about the bath? I said it was, I demonstrated the bath and the OT told me she had to see my bedroom - I told her it was just about the bath and said it was irrelevant as I had no problem with the bed, i.e I didn't have to climb into it or out of it.
I received an email from social care Barnet informing me that I was not going to have a Wet Room because I REFUSED to demonstrate the Bath and Bed. Is this classed as discrimination? What Act have they breached?


Re-make without any background noise ? Can't listen and take in this.


I guess we individuals with disabilities more easily take damage on either the inside or outside than anyone else would. I once had stress for a long time that made it feel as if I had a boss with 200% armor for flesh that would mangle or break anything as well as fury for his only emotion and an ability to run too fast to get outrun and a tendency to get woken up even by the quietest noise which would keep him from sleeping more than 2 hours in any 24-hour period! People who don’t understand disabilities and get away with it might have 200% armor for flesh or mental behavior against anyone stupid or seemingly stupid!


So how do you feel about disability discrimination by YouTube and their failure make reasonable adjustments?
Doesn't this breach UK law and why haven't you addressed this?


I have an E bike that is "THROTTLE CONTROLLED"..I have a physical condition that puts me in TWO handicapped classes.(age (81) and physical)... My City and County does not allow "MY TYPE OF E BIKE" ----into their park..However, they allow "PEDAL ASSISTED" E bikes. into their parks....Both the City and County are in violation of the Americans with Disability Act..What would be the best way to approach both parties..?


I suffer from slipped discs and chronic pain my doctor has give to notes to my employer stating I can't stay on s till for long periods of time due to pain but they ignore them and when I bring them up they ignore me and walk away or say well till work is 80 % of the job. What do I do as the pain I deal with is horrible it affects my mental health and I have to take more than the recommend pain meds I'm ment to


The fact that the ex PM David Cameron of the conservative Government discriminated against those who are vulnerable and impaled is not just that but it has violated the discriminating Act of 1995 which was brought in to legislation through the courts.


I have a learning disability which will last the rest of my life and I have cerebral palsy autism and ADHD which one is the loading disability


The policy that the ex PM David Cameron introduced in 1995 as to the bedroom Tax and this Tax that was specifically targeted against the most vulnerable in our society as to the old and infirm is another way of discrimination against the vulnerable in our society


being discriminated against by DVLA back injury and PTSD


I have been verbally abused and physically. The police do not appear to have laws .I not not like being disabled in the present time!
