What Do Chinese think about Africans And Black Americans! Black in China !

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Black in China. What do Chinese People know about African Americans/ Black Americans ? Wode Maya

Are you curious about real people’s perspectives from Asia ( China , Korea , Japan , Thailand) on ethnic , social , race and cultural issues ? Then subscribe to King Asare For more of these contents from China .

In this episode of Being Black in China and Asia as a whole , we find out what kind of perceptions and stereotypes do Chinese people have about African Americans/ Black Americans/ Americans of African Decents / Black people ?

Life of foreigners especially black people in China is a daunting experience., wether you are from Africa or America. Chinese people think that all black people are poor since they believe every Black person comes from Africa .

So in this video , I will engage Chinese people on their first impression and perceptions of African Americans. Do they have the same perceptions about them as they do about black pepper from Africa . Let’s find out .

This video is Inspired By Wode Maya ‘s initiative known as “ Africa to the world “ to promote And project Black people, Africa and Africans in the diaspora.

This video s meant to educate but not to criticize anyone on his / her views.

Being Black in China : what Chinese think about Black people will Shock you !

Asian Boss
Wode Maya
Tree Man
Black Experience Japan
King Asare
Deborah Busola
@AsianBoss @busoladeborah @TheBlackExJp @TreeMan @WODEMAYA @kingasare3137
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Did you explain to them the difference between us and Africans and how far removed we’ve been to Africa? (I’m obviously only asking cause that’s not in the video and I’m really interested in this topic).

I’m West Indian American, so I see very distinct differences between me, African Americans, Africans, and other black people in the diaspora so it’s really interesting to see that we can all be grouped together when the only commonality we have is ancestry and melanin 😂 It still bugs me that Africa is seen as a poor continent tho. I hope one day I can travel more and be a part of changing that misconception. Again, great video <3


I didn’t know there are some Chinese who can speak amazing English like these people in the video . How did you meet all these English speaking interviewees ? Keep it up . I love ❤️ today’s episode


Awesome my King, .. Keep it up Blood💖🙏🏼🙏🏼


Excellent work done King Asare #theonlyblackking
So Brilliant from the Chinese perception Or impression about African Americans
Also love their flow of English
Really love your channel
Keep it up !!!


At least we have good compliments today 😂


How comes alot them speak English!.
Another great video 🍻


Yo yo
I feel but next time do it the other way round… make we see the other blacks perceptions too 😀😀


I'm a ghanaian living in USA when I'm 18 I want to study in china


America was Built by African Americans. We are the ones who built this country and made it the greatest of all . I’m proud to be an American of African descent !


to never have been to america, she got 1 hell of an american accent, sum aint addin up


Which city in China you were they speak very good English 🤔🤔


Don't talk about black Americans talk about Africans


I am coming to learn English in your room.


Bru, there is no big difference, if they know ethnicity means


I don't understand why Black people/Africans want to know if someone likes or hates their people, it is true that Chinese/Asians have ignorant views on black/African/ African American people as a whole. Black people also have a fair share of misunderstandings and racist views on Asians and everyone else. We respect our dealings with black/African/ African Americans on the group level and individual level to a certain extent.

We Asians have not invaded and repressed black/African/ African Americans in our own home country. Bringing the pretext of the experience of White European countries with black/African/ African American to dealing with Asians is really not sufficient, and helpful.

Please respect us, if you want to be respected. We did not have anything to do with your bad experience with Europeans. We Asians are not seeking invasion of Africa or have anyone remote thought of colonization Africans.
