Authentic Christianity – Timothy Keller [Sermon]

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Tim Keller sermons via Gospel in Life: In the conclusion to the sermon on the mount, Jesus challenges everyone. He challenges those who don’t attend church by telling them that not all roads lead to God. He challenges those inside the church by telling them that not everyone who calls him “Lord, Lord” will be saved.

This sermon was preached by Rev. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on February 28, 1993.
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Thank you Lord for teaching us through Tim Keller. We pray for his walk and continued growth in you.


Keller is so excellent. Through him I really understand the concepts that were so foreign to me even after years of studying the Bible and the Word of God.


Amen, thanks for this sermon...I never tire of hearing a true spirit share the word to us from Our Father in Heaven...


that crying baby in the background is now almost 30


Im happy bc tomorrow night is Bible Study.


This sermon was given before I was born!


Grace and forgiveness are truly the bottom line, because the Lordship Salvation preached commonly now places a yoke on us that we can't carry. Throughout the sanctification process, we undoubtedly relinquish more and more of our will and seek the Lord's will more and more but it's likely we remain willful to a great degree. The text about the people saying Lord, Lord is most definitely an illustration of people depending on their works for salvation. It's pleasing to hear Rev. Keller make this point. Many of his colleagues use the text to support their belief in Lordship Salvation, a works-based doctrine. Thankfully, God the Father, though He spared Isaac, did not spare His Son. His finished work is what we rest on.


Tim service is a true light to Christianity and yet I am troubled. I am not troubled by Tim’s teachings but rather his Presbyterian views. If we were saved by God’s grace alone then why bother your fate is sealed or pre ordained and you know this is not true. Yes of course God wants us to obey him but that’s not the point, what God needs is that we take joy in obeying him because we fear and recognize him as the author of salvation.Some things that God commands us to do might not be joyful but they are truthful and meaningful, which in turn bears fruit. Do you think that when God breathed life into us he determined who he is going to pour his grace on and who he was not. The time has come that we all unite in one church, one body in the blood of Jesus Christ.


Absolutely loved everything Tim said. Currently one of my favorite Bible teachers. Maybe I missed it but I didn't hear anything about those who practice lawlessness or another translation renders it workers of iniquity. I think that would line up with the part about surrendering our will completely to Christ. I hope this doesn't come across as being nit picky. Just thought it is a big part of what Jesus is bringing to light in this text. Again, a very amazing teaching Mr. Keller. God bless you my brother.


23:51   lol!  Don't worry Tim, I think we all know what you meant to say!


Reassuring questions for me. I will try asking them in talking to others.


I think there's a tiny gap in Tim's teaching here. Namely that Jesus says in V.24 "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man..." He does not say "Everyone who believes in the atonement of mine will be like a wise man..." and if you read the sermon on the mount there's nothing but raw and juicy law which is to do as it is the will of the Father.

I chewed on this the last night and then I read some of Matthew and I think that if I'd ask the matthean Jesus if "this words of mine" do mean words of his outside of the sermon on the mount too he'd surely say "Yes, of course!". Then I find that Matthew added in Mt26, 28 "for the forgiveness of sins" to the words of institution of Mark in Mk 14, 23. So there I find the missing piece to fill the tiny gap mentioned in the beginning.

I connect all this in the following way: Jesus says "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man" and then he says too "Take, eat; this is my body" and “Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." The Lord's Supper needs to be added to all the deeds which Jesus asks from us here in Mt 5-7. With this you get a circle: I try to follow the law as Jesus fills it full in the SotM and I can't so I go an take part in the Lord's Supper and I start again and it is important that I start again because it is meant as a cycle. Everything alive lives in cycles: the body does and like the heart does in the body so does the Lord's Supper and it's forgivness of sins in a christian's life. Every day is like a cycle and like the times of eating and resting do so does the Lord's Supper. But the body is not only heart and a day is not only eating and sleeping. The body has hands and muscles and a working mind and a day has work and meetings.

His body and his blood are the fuel for what I can accomplish of his law of love and the rest for what I can't accomplish today.

And then there are the unauthentic Christians and I think they don't live in this lively cycle. They just accomplish as they say to the Lord. And they do their things out of themselves, out of their right doctrine and out of their emotions and out of their social power and they do great things but they are not alive like a living body is or like a day well lived is where his body and blood are my food and my rest and my joy and my center.


Superstition does not equal religion. Think about IQ.
