POV you have a Sleepover with “that” middle school girl

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Here’s a a pov from my tiktok page pov you have a sleepover with “that” middle school girl

Tiktoks - Julietteweg
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“my mom has literally asked you guys like 15 times to be quiet” as she is LITERALLY YELLING OMG. that’s the one


If you're annoyed with this girl's acting, that means she is a great actor 😌


“Guys we made her mad..”


The last sleepover that I ever had was when I was 13. It was my last sleepover for a reason... these girls pretended to be my friends and suggested a sleepover (I was super desperate for friends so of course I fell for it) we have what I thought was the best sleepover ever. Gossiping and laughing...seeing who could stay up the longest. All the things you do at a typixal middle school girl sleepover. The next day they were acting super weird like they couldn't wait to get away from me. That was a Saturday. They go home and I continue my weekend like normal. Monday comes around and when I get to school they refuse to talk to me. It hurt but whatever. Lunch comes around and one of them walks by and flips my tray right out of my hands making a huge mess. They laugh and walk off leaving me standing there with food all over my shoes and pants. That hurt too and I felt devastated but I had to make it through the day. During gym class I go to change and discover that everything in my locker is gone. I'm not able to dress and get my points docked and these girls are just giggling away. Turns out they got to my gym locker before me and hid my stuff in another locker. One that I couldn't reach because I was super short. That was almost the last straw for me but then just before the last bell ring one of them hands me a note basically saying I'm a loser with no friends and I should just end my life. I completely shut down after that. I didn't want to go to school, didn't want to eat... couldn't sleep at night. I truly thought I was better off dead.

Middle school girls can be so mean and while I didn't understand it back then I get it now... those girls don't even matter anymore. The only reason I thought of them was because I saw this video and it brought back memories of that time. Yes it can hurt at the time but years down the road all these mean girls won't matter. You'll be busy with your own lives making memories with your own kids and hopefully teaching them compassion and love ❤


As a male the only thing negative about sleepovers was never having a blanket and pillows. And having to tuck your arms in your shirt to stay warm.


The "im claustrophobic" and bitching about anxiety is so accurate lmao


the laughing and saying “oh nothing she just said something funny” is giving me flashbacks


I honestly dont understand why or how we were ever convinced to go to these kinds of girl's sleepovers


The “I need the whole bed because I’m claustrophobic” is so accurate it’s annoying lmao.


Good LORD my sister was exactly like this in middle to highschool. And when her friends would come over it was just all clones of her. Sheer hell.

Glad she grew out of it lmao.


She's the type of person to say we're staying up all night then go to sleep at midnight lmao


That part where she gets mad, like sis, no one cares that you got your feelings hurt


“Guys stop we made her mad we made her mad…” one of the most relatable things ever..


“Only 2 people can sleep on this bed” that bed is either a full or queen size… In middle school me and my 3 best friends at the time all managed to sleep together on a twin sized bed comfortably. 😂😂😂


I was once reunited with my friends after years of not seeing them, to have a sleepover. All the time, ALL THE TIME they were on the cell phone and they didn't interact with me at all, so the next day they started talking about how sad it was that i couldn't socialize when i went out to the bathroom

I tried as hard as I could, I explained to them that I'm very anxious and can't start a conversation because I'm afraid people will find me uninteresting. In the middle of the night while I was trying to find something else to do they started talking about "that kind of person that if you don't start a conversation they never talk to you" and looked at me out of the corner of their eye


As a introvert I’d like to say this scenario has never happened in my life.


I had a sleepover with like 3 friends once and I literally dragged a heavy a S s air mattress from my basement to my room so that everyone would have a comfy place to sleep.

Don't have sleepovers if you're not gonna accommodate all members :)


One time I was at this sleepover and my “friend” kept on messaging her other friend on snap chat literally the entire time. She was in person so idk why they couldn’t talk in person like everyone else, they also took snap chat pictures together and didn’t even bother asking if I wanted to be in it. Love being left out ❤️

Edit: I just wanted to say that these “friends” I had are no longer in my life. I feel much better about myself now, and thanks for the support you guys have given me.


the “he’s facetiming me” while the calling noise plays LMAO so good


The part when everyone said “she’s mad” was so relatable
