DSC Webinar Series: How the Role of Data Prep & ETL is Evolving

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As businesses have modernized data processes to prioritize self-service and agility, the need for more “analysis ready” data, faster, has led to the advent of modern data preparation solutions. Data preparation platforms prioritize ease of use, rapid iteration, and machine learning-guided functionality to make the traditionally-tedious process of data cleaning more efficient and accessible to non-IT users. In comparison, ETL technologies were designed to support operational data pipelines with limited numbers of data consumers, prioritizing stability over speed. Organizations still need both, but how do you determine when to use which approach?

In this latest Data Science Central webinar join Ovum Senior Analyst, Paige Bartley for a presentation on the evolving role of data preparation and ETL solutions. Bartley will review her latest research on the data preparation market and why it’s one of the fastest growing segments of the data management industry. Davis will share best practices and real world examples of organizations that have successfully implemented data preparation alongside ETL as part of their analytics modernization initiatives.

Register for this webinar to learn:

Why now? What enterprise needs were unmet before data preparation?
How to balance speed and self-service with data governance and control
Criteria for determining which processes are best for self-service data preparation vs. ETL
Paige Bartley, Senior Analyst -- Ovum
Will Davis, Director of Product Marketing -- Trifacta

Hosted by:
Bill Vorhies, Editorial Director -- Data Science Central

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