Verse by Verse Teaching | Judges 7 | Gary Hamrick

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00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
01:05 - The Cycle of sin in Judges
02:42 - 12 Judges of Israel
03:18 - Gideon the Judge
03:32 - Background on Gideon
08:09 - 1. If God is good, why are bad things happening to us?
08:35 - 2. How could God use me?
08:51 - 3. How can I know God’s will?
10:54 - Picture of Gideon Springs or Ein Harod

#Cornerstonechapel #GaryHamrick #CalvaryChapel
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Thankyou Pastor for that Teaching God's Richest Blessings be with you.


When we put our faith in God's hands, our confidence will be strengthened.


What an encouragement, to know that God does not chastise us when we are fearful, but will allow us to have doubts at times so that we can come to the conclusion in our own way and time! God is in control, He’s got us, He is not going to let us down if we just hold on to our faith and trust in


Thank you for allowing God using you in the office of teaching. May God bless you with more revelation. I love your ministry. Shalom!!


Wonderful study. Thank you pastor G. Illinois


Thank you so much pastor Greg. I reading The book of Judge and your midweek help me get a bigger picture how we should not disobey God. Worship Him alone not our own desire and think we adore too but worship God alone.


This was wonderful. I am in that situation right now. Working barely part time, and that job could end at any moment. Church went woke, closed for a year, then banned unmasked for one week short of a second year. I've lost all my church friends. I've lost everything. Bad family situation. Elderly/sick parents. No one in my family seems to want to follow Christ. At a new church but hard to get to know anyone. Not sure if I should leave my old one and commit here. I've never been in this type of spot in my 35 years as a Christian. I am broken and completely alone. How I wish God would break through and change all of this. I am desperate!


Its been. About a year since. I. Believed. Holy spirit. Spoke. Gideon. To me. Thank. You for the. Prayer. At end. Of. Teaching. Yes. I'm. A. Gideon. Lord. Jesus. Show yourself. Mighty. In my behalf.


Thank you Lord for wisdom of this pastor you have your spirit thr him to touch us in a heavily way. I praise you Lord hallelujah.


Thank you Pastor Gary. What an insight to behold!❤


Thanks Pastor Hamrick!! I am learning so much. Greetings from Puerto Rico. 🇵🇷


Throw the false gods get right now with the true God. Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life.


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I appreciated what was said. I don't necessarily agree that the Angel of the Lord was actually Christ. I do believe it was a messenger with Godly authority that was clearly representing God. I believe that the appearance was the same as others had seen with the appearance of the Angel of the Lord ie Jacob, Abraham. The sound of dogs lapping really clarified a couple of questions I had. A reminder of the importance of water holes also provided a better understanding of scripture. One thing that somewhat confuses me is how Gideon separated the men that lapped as compared to kneeling. Obviously he must have had men below him that helped separate the men then the leaders themselves must have had an opportunity to have water. Being that the valley lacks water the intake of water was probably the last opportunity for water for awhile. Perhaps this gives reason for some men kneeling and drinking as much as possible.

I am also thinking that not all remaining men that were left were brave. I am sure that a lot of the men had suffered and knew family and friends that had suffered under the terrors of the Midianites. When all is lost it is easier for people to make a choice of complete surrender or to take a stand and fight. Either way, God used these men along with Gideon to bring Him victory and glory.

It is interesting that twice in scripture it mentions (NIV, "When the three hundred trumpets sounded, the Lord caused the men throughout the camp to turn on each other with their swords."). I think it's safe to say that God did not require the breaking of jars and lights to throw the Midianites into a deadly panic. God often tells us what He wants but by His grace He allows us to use the resources we have. This is a beautiful reminder that just because we think we have resources at our disposal does not mean that God requires our use of these means. It simply supports that God is in complete control. Since the men had no battle equipment I am sure that holding and using these items provided them some level of comfort. However, God did not need them.
