Tulsa Police Chief Urges People Trade Some Freedom For Gun Control & Safety

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Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin

Tulsa's Police Chief, Wendell Franklin, recently expressed his support for a 9/11-style response to gun violence and suggested that people may need to sacrifice their freedoms in exchange for gun control measures & safety.

In an interview posted by NPR, Franklin criticized constitutional carry, advocated for stricter regulations on so-called "ghost guns," and hinted at the implementation of waiting periods for purchasing commonly owned firearms like the AR-15.

Franklin, emphasizing the expertise of law enforcement in protecting the nation, stated, "We are the subject matter experts at protecting America, right? Protecting our cities. And, you know, we should be utilizing that in that manner." He believes that if there are better methods of safeguarding the community, they should be explored even though the supreme court ruled that they are not responsible for your individual safety.

In a quote shared by Public Radio Tulsa, Franklin acknowledged his support for the Second Amendment while expressing his willingness to relinquish some freedom, drawing a parallel to the measures taken after 9/11.

He stated, "Ultimately, I’m a Second Amendment guy... But I’m okay giving up some of that freedom, right? We had to give up some of that freedom after 9/11. I’m okay with waiting three days, five days, or whatever to get my firearm if I go out and purchase another firearm. So I’m okay with a pause to allow for weapons to be purchased and allow the government and the gun companies to look at the background and do a thorough check before that gun goes to someone."

To justify his stance, Franklin likened giving up freedom for gun control to the process of adapting to seatbelt laws when they were initially introduced.

He explained, "You know, we put seatbelt laws in place...probably in the 1980s, I think. And we mandated that everyone starts wearing a seatbelt, and it took some time for people to grab hold of that. But if you look today, it is an automatic thing that people put on their seatbelt when they get into a vehicle. You feel uncomfortable not wearing that seatbelt. I think again, we give something up to get safety for something safe. I think that’s where we are today. We are going to have to give up some things. And I think there are some things that we can give up for a safer community."

While Chief Franklin raises these arguments, it is crucial to critically examine the implications of surrendering our rights in the name of safety.

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Any Constitutional officer that would express views like that is most certainly part of the problems that this Country is experiencing. He is a disgrace.


Strange. I don't remember ever giving up any rights right after 9/11. I only remember people's rights being taken without their consent.


People like him are why the Founders were so smart to add this as the second right.


Those who would trade freedom for the illusion of safety deserve neither


Remove that man from his position NOW! He is NOT looking out for your God given rights!


Can the police provide absolute safety for all citizens at all times?
Then screw off. I'll keep my firearms.


It's never about safety, it has, and always will be about control of the public.


Yeah, because the Patriot Act has been sooo helpful since it passed. The fact he’s trying to use 9/11 to help push gun control is wild.


I'm a Canadian. Don't give up any of your rights! If you give it up, they won't stop there! The only one that can give up the rights you have is you! Stand your ground!!


Police Chief says, _"I'm a 2nd amendment guy"_ ...but continues to say, _"but I'm willing to give up some of that freedom"_ . NO Mr. Police Chief. You clearly are NOT a 2nd amendment guy. You're either lying to us, or yourself. Probably both.

_"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."_ -Benjamin Franklin


Gun control does 2 things. 1)Disarms and eliminates law-abiding citizens' ability to protect themselves. Less safe. 2)Makes violent CRIMINALS SAFER. Incentivising criminals to commit crimes.


They ALWAYS go for the LAW ABIDING citizens, never the CRIMINALS!


We've given up enough freedoms. We need to get them back.


HOW do law enforcement officers take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.... Then violate that oath, and violate American's Constitutionally protected rights the next day? Why is this allowed?


As a Tulsan, I now have zero faith in our chief. He clearly lacks the judgment and discernment needed for the job.


As an Oklahoman or “okie” i can tell you that we aren’t giving up a damn thing here. Almost all of our law enforcement agencies and officials have said that they will not enforce laws that infringe on our 2A, we are a constitutional carry and 2A sanctuary state


I had a road rage incident that someone tried to run me off the road. He flowed me to my job and try to run me over as I got out the car. I called Police, They didn’t come. A officer called me and just took my information. I carry everyday now! You are your own first responder!!!


The BS coming out of that man’s mouth is maddening…… give up freedom for safety……. Anyone who believes that does not understand what freedom is, and what it is to be safe.


The IRS just "lost" 6 billion dollars because of an "accounting error", and the U.S has lost 6 Nuclear Bombs, what makes anyone think these people could properly handle such an intricate system they're proposing?


I am a retired police officer and I agree with you 100% ! In my career I was on the scene only 3 times when gun violence occurred.
Dozens of times we got there to take the report after it was all over but the shouting .
You are SOL if you can't protect yourself !
In 1911 they enacted the Sullivan Act in New York prohibiting handguns . Yeah, that worked !!!!
