
Why I think IDEs suck

DONT use Neovim!! (in these scenarios)


NEVER lose dotfiles again with GNU Stow

Linux is great, UNTIL

How to make your Linux or Mac terminal BEAUTIFUL

Discover apps on Canva - TypeCraft

Master Docker Compose the Way I Wish I Did – Docker for Newbs EP 2

AI Made this Neovim config and I'm scared now

I Finally found a Linux distribution for programmers new to Linux

I Played DOOM on my wife’s computer with Docker!

What the hell is Zellij?

Is the Ghostty terminal worth the hype?

My tmux and neovim workflow

I ranked EVERY terminal emulator. It was nuts

Arrow keys in VIM?!

gn: Vim Commands You NEED TO KNOW #4

I'm never using Git the same way again

I Broke Linux... How to learn from my mistakes

I Love TMUX and you should too

cdo: Vim commands you NEED TO KNOW #5

Is this the BEST monitor for programming?

Linux tools you NEED TO KNOW -- Bat

Linux tools you NEED TO KNOW -- sort