
The 'Weed Cat' meme is ENTIRELY Game Freak's own fault || Gen 9 hot take

Gwyndolin can be understood in many ways, all of them interesting (part 2) || Dark Souls Analysis

Alucard looks like his father's son, but also like his worst enemy | #castlevania

The National Dex Was Always A Mistake

Wait, hang on, the Combee line is AMAZING! || #pokemon review

Chimchar really doesn't look like much, but Infernape rips || #pokemon review

Queen Yharnam is a victim of Bloodborne's deepest horror || Bloodborne Analysis

One scene in #Arcane tells Viktor's entire story before it happens

Space Groove is back and these skins still RULE

Fan theories vs credible interpretation | #pokemon

Blighttown is a boss fight || Dark Souls Analysis

Primordian Bel'veth could have done something better with the face | #leagueoflegends

1 Minute Reviews of Every Single Gen 1 Pokémon

Sandscourge Skarner didn't fit in High Noon before, and it's no better now | #leagueoflegends

Vincent is at his best when he's a bit of an edgy mess | #finalfantasy

ARCANE is as perfect as you've heard... but... || REVIEW

Does Charmander look better in 3D? #pokemon

Why did the Sentinels of Light event go so wrong?

Why did this painting of an unhappy woman go viral?

The Ruin Sentinels tell their story in armor || Dark Souls 2 Analysis

Pachirisu is where Pikaclones begin to have their own ideas || #pokemon review

Poor, poor Ditto... || Pokémon Review

Bronzor looks like a mirror, but only if you know it does. Bronzong looks scary. | #pokemon

Palworld is a fun novelty, but not worth all the discourse | #palworld #pokemon