
Creating New Variables Using Stata

Stata Postestimation Commands. Using -contrast-

How Stata Treats Missing Values

Using Data a Dictionary to Import Fixed Field Data Into Stata

Using Stata to Inspect a Dataset

Importing Data Stored in a Spreadsheet into Stata

Using Stata to Create Scatterplots

Numerical Precision in Stata

Creating Histograms with Stata

Stata Postestimation Commands. Using -test-

Stata Command Modifiers--if, in, and by/bysort

Regression Postestimation Commands in Stata: margins, pt. 2

Stata Postestimation Commands. Using -predict-

Basic Regression Commands in Stata

Cleaning Data in Stata

Using Stata to Create Boxplots

Using local macros in Stata

Creating Kernel Density Plots with Stata

Creating Additive Indices Using Stata

Using Stata to Create Bar Graphs