
The Physics and Philosophy of Time - with Carlo Rovelli

What is a white hole? – with Carlo Rovelli

Come With Me Inside a Black Hole | Carlo Rovelli Public Lecture

Carlo Rovelli explains Einstein’s theory of relativity

The Loop Quantum Gravity Debacle: Carlo Rovelli Strikes Back

The Science of Time - Carlo Rovelli

Rovelli: “La sinistra dovrebbe difendere la vera libertà”

Zo werkt tijd volgens natuurkundige Carlo Rovelli | VPRO Tegenlicht

Carlo Rovelli | Trật Tự Thời Gian | 07 Sự khiếm khuyết của ngôn từ & 08 ( P2 )

Carlo Rovelli and Brian Greene on Black Holes and White Holes

Is Quantum Reality in the Eye of the Beholder?

Are We Living In A Simulation? | Carlo Rovelli | Big Questions

Israele, la stoccata di Rampini a Rovelli: “Vive su un altro pianeta, quello che dice è falso”

Time does not exist: Carlo Rovelli at TEDxLakeComo

Carlo Rovelli on physics and philosophy

Wrong or Unfalsifiable? String Theory's Biggest Competitor in Trouble

Perché Sono Ateo (Bellissima riflessione di Carlo Rovelli)

Waarom dé werkelijkheid niet bestaat volgens Carlo Rovelli | VPRO Tegenlicht

'There's NO Wave Function of the Universe!': Carlo Rovelli

The Order of Time: Carlo Rovelli explains that time doesn't really exist

Carlo Rovelli interview: 'Reality is not things, but connections'

Carlo Rovelli presenta 'L'ordine del tempo'

Ask physicist Carlo Rovelli - black holes, white holes, and more

Carlo Rovelli - What Exists?