
Не бойтесь регулярных выражений. Regex за 20 минут!

2.4: Regular Expressions: Capturing Groups - Programming with Text

Regular Expression Matching - Dynamic Programming Top-Down Memoization - Leetcode 10

Regular Expressions in Linux | Intro to GREP and RegEx | RegEx Tutorial

Excel Adds Support For RegEx In XLOOKUP And XMATCH - Episode 2647

Regular Expressions (RegEx) Tutorial #1 - What is RegEx?

Lerne reguläre Ausdrücke (regular expressions) in 10 Minuten!

Regular Expression Methods in Python

How Do Regular Expressions Really Work?

Regular Expression Basics for Go Programmers

Regex to NFA Conversion Isn't Hard! (Sipser 1.28a)

2.7: Regular Expressions: exec() - Programming with Text

Python Tutorial: re Module - How to Write and Match Regular Expressions (Regex)

Regular Expressions (RegEx) Tutorial #15 - Email RegEx Pattern

The Insanity Of Linux's Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions in C# with Practical Demonstration | C# Tutorial for Beginners | Regex in CSharp

Урок 22. Основы регулярных выражений | RegEx

Regular Expressions in Python

Intro to Regular Expressions - How to use Regex in C#

2.1: Introduction to Regular Expressions - Programming with Text

RegExp with replace and replaceAll methods Learn JavaScript how to apply Regular Expressions

Regular Expression in MySQL | REGEXP in MySQL | MySQL Regular Expressions Concept | MySQL REGEXP

VBScript Basics, Part 70 | RegExp (Test & Replace)

Defining Regular Expressions (RegEx) - Computerphile