Did (The) Homer Use The Article? 🍩⚔️ Epic Greek!

How to say YES & NO in Latin

American speaks Latin at the Vatican with Priests 🇻🇦

How to Macronize Any Greek Text - Where do the long vowels go?

Pronouncing 'Caesar' wrong...?!

Romans *did* write with macrons! Video essay on Latin Apices & Hidden Quantity

Monoglossia! Iglika & Alex: Polyglots | polýMATHY pódCAST #8

What language was the Bible written in? New Testament GREEK or ARAMAIC?

American speaks Latin to Italians in Rome – watch their reaction! 😳 🇮🇹

polýMATHY Introduction, LukeRanieri.com

Why “Traditional” Methods Don’t Work for Latin or Greek (or any language!) 2nd Language Acquisition

polýMATHY pódCAST #1 | Authenticity vs Convention in Latin & Ancient Greek Pronunciation

Was Macedonian a Greek Dialect? 🇬🇷

Biblical Hebrew teachers Aleph with Beth: polyglots, linguists • polýMATHY pódCAST #3

Gnaeus - how is GN pronounced in Latin?

What's the Point of Grammatical Gender?

Italian vs. English Idiomatic Expressions 🇮🇹 🇺🇸

Herculaneum Scrolls Reveal Plato's Burial Location

When will humans walk on Mars? w/ The Angry Astronaut | polýMATHY pódCAST #18

AI vs. Classics teacher 👨‍💻 ChatGPT speaks Ancient Greek! Koine & Attic

AI baffles Latin teacher 👨‍💻 ChatGPT speaks Latin

Playing music in ancient languages 🎵 with Farya Faraji

Graphic Novel MEDEAE DAEMONES in LATIN | polýMATHY pódCAST #21

Illustrating Why a Negative Times a Negative is a Positive Using the Number Line!