
Welcome to PhD at Living!

Welcome to PhD at Living!

PhD at Living After One Year

Winning WWII Part 1: A Brief History of Explosives

Brain Decanting 1: Here's the Problem

Alfred Nobel and the History of Dynamite

Can You Cure Drunkenness? No. Well, Maybe. But Probably Not.

Nuclear Blooper Reel

Beer Episode 9 - Gibbs-Marangoni Effect on Beer

Chemistry of Beer Episode 1: Turning Breakfast into Beer

Chemistry of Mauveine

Why Catnip Turns Cats into Maniacs

Chemistry of Beer Episode 2: The Brewing Process

Chemistry of Napalm

The Ads Aren't From Me

Some Thoughts on PFAS

Chemistry of Breast Milk

Chemistry of Carbon

The Chemistry of Sugar Episode 1: Intro

Chemistry of Diet Soda and Mentos

Chemistry of Beer Episode 5: Beer Head

Chemistry of Beer Episode 3: MOAR FLAVORS!!!!!

Chemistry of Maple Syrup

Process Cheese Episode 2: Process Cheese!