
AMB2024 - Dreh-/Fräszentrum: MULTUS U3000

Tackle Clip 24 - Okuma 8K - Mein Fazit

Okuma MULTUS B300II Multitasking Machine #amb2024

4-Achsen-Drehmaschine - LU3000 EX

Presenting the Okuma MULTUS U4000 Multitasking Machine!

OKUMA live @ Mumush 2022 - Gargantua Stage

Introducing the Okuma LB3000EXII-MYW Machine!


Okuma Fishing USA Wednesday! | YSWG Show w/ Captain Dave Hansen #586

Okuma's 5-Axis Vertical Machining Center, MU-500VA

Okuma LB3000 MYW 🔥

Drehmaschine - MULTUS U4000

5-Axis Machining Center MU-6300V-L #Shorts #OKUMA

Okuma MB-80V Bridge Mill

Okuma - Urmel [UYSR102] #downtempo #underyourskin #okuma

Okuma Alijos 2-Speed Lever Drag Reels

The Future of CNC Machining - The new OSP-P500!

Twin spindle lathe 2SP-2500H with Okuma Gantry Loader

Okuma GENOS L2000 / L3000 Horizontal Lathes

Okuma Ceymar HD closer look.. #okuma #ceymarHD #okumaceymarHD #fishing #abudhabi

Okuma Corporate Introduction Video

#okuma TOMCAT X-STRONG 300 Ruten #fishing #angeln #nature #catfish

Okuma - Acuador Spinning Reel

Okuma - INC 6000 long casting reel