
We may have killed p10k, so I found the perfect replacement.

🎨 Make Windows Terminal Look Better | Oh My Posh Guide

Making your Windows Terminal Look Amazing | Oh My Posh Theme and More!!

Level up the look of your terminal with Oh-My-Posh

How to make the ultimate Terminal Prompt on Windows 11 - This video is LONG and WORDY and DETAILED

🎨 Make WSL/Ubuntu Terminal Look Better | Oh My Posh Guide


How to set up PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh on Windows 11

Pretty Powershell

Customizing your Prompt with OhMyPosh - Scott Hanselman

Configuring Visual Studio Code to Use oh-my-posh

How to install oh my posh on windows 11 powershell

ASMR Set Up PowerShell with Oh-My-Posh on Windows 11 + Neovim Setup + Terminal Icons - No Talking

Personalize o Prompt de comando no PowerShell com 'OH MY POSH'

Oh My Posh Terminal Setup including Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code Setup

Windows Terminal Level Up! Oh My Posh, Nerd Fonts, and IntelliSense

3. Setting Up Your Shell With Oh My Posh

Install Oh My Posh with Autocomplete

Getting Started with oh-my-posh in PowerShell and Windows Terminal

Mejorando el Powershell de Windows con OhmyPosh, Windows Terminal y NerdFonts

Your shell prompt, ON STEROIDS // Starship

Cómo configurar tu terminal para que sea asombrosa en Windows 11

Custom Windows Terminal with Oh My Posh

oh my posh installation on windows 11/10