milad mirg

1 Hour of Work Stories at Subway

She Scammed Me

Famous People That Came To My Subway

3 Best Subway Sandwiches I've Ever Made

I quit my job

visiting my old subway (abandoned)

Is Air Up Legit?

Man Orders 1,000 Sandwiches

working at subway can be dangerous

I Ruined His Year! (google reviews)

Serving a Deaf Family

When You're $0.01 Short

I’m getting my name legally changed

Karen Turns Into Chad

He Fought Our Soda Machine

the ultimate karen

I Might Be a Karen

He Quit on the Spot

He Threw a Sandwich at a Customer

Homeless man comes in

He Didn’t Pay For 4 Years

I Thought I Was Getting Robbed

Making My Own Subway in Germany

Customer Hates His Own Sandwich