level up animations

I animated MORE of your Mario ideas!

When everything Mario touches turns to Coins

I animated your Mario ideas!

Tiny Goomba vs the CAVERN OF ACID!! (Mario Animation)

Super Mario Bros. but the floor is TOMATO SAUCE (Extended version)

Level UP: Mario lost his Hat and then this happened


6 Things Kirby should NEVER inhale

What If Everything Turned Into Monsters in Super Mario Bro.?

When everything Mario jumps on E X P A N D S

Mushroom Kingdom Mayhem

Sudden Death Mayhem

Level UP: If Checkers had Super Mario Physics

When Note Blocks become 1000x more dangerous in Super Mario Bros.

Here's what actually happens to stomped Goombas

Super Mario Bros. but the floor is Radioactive Waste

Here's how Mario can beat Impossible Mode 2 Bowser

Here's how Mario can beat Impossible Mode Bowser

Mario turned into a Castle and this happened

If Mario had Superhuman strength

Sonic's Monitor Calamity

Level UP: Funniest Mario videos ALL EPISODES (Season 7)

Level UP: Mario's Giant Maze Mayhem (ALL EPISODES)

Level UP: Mario's Tiny Maze Mayhem