
Author Kara Cooney on Hatshepsut's Legacy

Ancient Egyptian Coffins | #ExploreNOMA with Kara Cooney

Author Kara Cooney on Hatshepsut

The Harem Conspiracy | #ExploreNOMA with Kara Cooney

The Four Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths! | Dr. Kara Cooney

What was in King Tut's tomb? #ancientegypt #karacooney #curiosityu #kingtut

Understanding Akhenaten with Dr. Kara Cooney | Bible & Archaeology

Author Kara Cooney on Women in Power

Dr. Kara Cooney on the Power Strategies of the Ancient World

National Geographic Live: Dr. Kara Cooney - When Women Ruled The World at the Kravis Center

When Women Ruled the World with Egyptologist Kara Cooney | March 18, 2020 - CANCELED

Nat Geo Live in Lewisburg, PA: Egyptologist Kara Cooney Aug. 30

Power and Politics in Ancient Egypt... With Kara Cooney

Coffins of the Pharaohs with Prof. Kara Cooney | Sety I | Thutmose III | Royal Caches

Religion exploits and consumes until it kills its own host - Dr. Kara Cooney

Global Speed: Egypt with Dr. Kara Cooney

Nat Geo Live! Egyptologist Kara Cooney

Kara Cooney discusses The Woman Who Would be King

Meet Renowned Egyptologist, Kara Cooney

National Geographic LIVE: 'When Women Ruled The World' with Dr. Kara Cooney

KARA COONEY performs live in Boston 1/11

When Women Ruled the World with Kara Cooney in National Geographic Live

National Geographic Live When Women Ruled The World With Kara Cooney