john watson rooney

This is How I Scrape 99% of Sites

Simple Effective Data Extraction (for Python Devs)

Stop Using Selenium or Playwright for Web Scraping

Always Check for the Hidden API when Web Scraping

This Simple String Blocks Your Web Scrapers

Learning Scraping is MUCH harder now.

The Easiest Way to Avoid Being Blocked When Web Scraping

How to Scrape Data for Market Research (full project)

They know you're using Browser Automation, so try this.

Scrape more with this simple change

Selenium Web Scraping is too Slow. Try This.

Should I have used this Web Scraping Technique?

The Biggest Mistake Beginners Make When Web Scraping

Don't Start Web Scraping without Doing These First

Login and Scrape Data with Playwright and Python

Every Web Scraper should know THIS

Is this how pro's scrape HUGE amounts of data?

Scraping with Playwright 101 - Easy Mode

Scrapy for Beginners - A Complete How To Example Web Scraping Project

How to Make 2500 HTTP Requests in 2 Seconds with Async & Await

Web Scraping with Python - Start HERE

I built a distributed scraping system, but was it worth it?

The most important Python script I ever wrote

My System for Easily Scraping 150k Items from the web