
Basic Selections - Adobe Photoshop for Beginners - Class 1 [Eng Sub]

Are you a Graphic Designer? [Eng Sub]

Adobe Illustrator Training - Class 1 - Selection Tool Urdu / Hindi [Eng Sub]

Freelance vs Job? #gfxmentor #freelancing #graphicdesign

Adobe Illustrator Training - Class 2 - Direct Selection Tool Urdu / Hindi [Eng Sub]

3 Ways to Make Money Online as a Graphic Designer ft.@GFXMentor #Shorts

Just keep creating [Eng Sub] | #gfxmentor #piximperfect #keepcreating

Adobe Illustrator Training - Class 4 - Pen Tool and Shape Builder Tool Urdu / Hindi [Eng Sub]

Graphic Design Theory Class 1 Urdu / Hindi

GFXMentor Channel Guide

Adobe Illustrator Training - Class 6 - Rotate Tool + Wrist Watch Illustration Urdu / Hindi [Eng Sub]

More Selections - Adobe Photoshop for Beginners - Class 2

Become Creative [Eng Sub]

Layers Panel - Adobe Photoshop for Beginners - Class 3 - Urdu / Hindi

Adobe Illustrator Training - Class 3 - Pen Tool Urdu / Hindi [Eng Sub]

Adobe Illustrator Training - Class 5 - All About Strokes Urdu / Hindi [Eng Sub]

Adobe Illustrator Training - Class 7- Learn Gradients and Create Realistic Pencil [Eng Sub]

Clone Stamp Tool - Adobe Photoshop for Beginners - Class 6 - Urdu / Hindi

Last Motivation from GFXMentor [Eng Sub]

Crop Tool - Adobe Photoshop for Beginners - Class 4 - Urdu / Hindi

Adobe Illustrator Training - Class 9 - Learn Pathfinder and Make Icons [Eng Sub]

Adobe Illustrator - Type Tool Part 2 - Class 11 - Urdu/Hindi [Eng Sub]