
FOSS4G 2021 - Introduction to Big Data Storage with LocationTech GeoMesa

FOSS4G 2021 - State of GeoMesa


GeoMesa: Using Accumulo for Optimized Spatio-Temporal Processing

Applying SparkSQL to Big Spatio Temporal Data Using GeoMesa - Anthony Fox

GeoMesa: Storing and Indexing Geospatial Data on Accumulo

GeoMesa - Distributed Spatiotemporal Analytics — Anthony Fox, Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc

FOSS4G 2021 - Streaming IoT sensor data with LocationTech GeoMesa, Apache Kafka, and NiFi

GeoMesa: Scalable Geospatial Analytics on Accumulo

Enabling geospatial in big data lakes and databases with LocationTech GeoMesa

Geomesa Cassandra Integration | Geomesa | Geoserver | Cassandra | codenaman | #KrishnaKalyani

Geomesa Cassandra A Quick Start | codenaman | #cassandra #geomesa #geospatial #krishnakalyani

GeoMesa, GeoBench, and SFCurve: Measuring and improving BigGeo performance

Streaming Geospatial Vector Data with Apache Projects - Jim Hughes

GIS: Updating geomesa record using Geomesa-Accumulo and Spark with Java API?

GeoMesa: Scalable Geospatial Analytics

GIS: GeoMesa Accumulo for real time data

Location Tech Projects

Geo(Mesa/Wave/Trellis/Jinni): Processing Geospatial Data at Scale @locationtech

GIS: How can I install Geomesa on Google Cloud using BigTable?

Managing spatio temporal data using GeoMesa

GeoMesa as a Distributed Spatio-Temporal Database and Computational Framework

GIS: Error in Geomesa shapefile ingest

GIS: Problem with Geomesa Kafka Consumers