
Žižek and Lacanian Psychoanalysis: How to Read Lacan

The Goal Shouldn't Be Happiness #shorts #short #epochphilosophy

Deleuze and Spinoza: Practical Philosophy and Process Ontology

A Postmodern Nietzsche: The Genealogy of Morality

Jean Baudrillard: The System of Objects

One of the Greatest Scenes in Cinema #nocountryforoldmen #cormacmccarthy

Noam Chomsky's Linguistic Philosophy: Syntactic Structures, Language and Mind

Simone de Beauvoir and The Ethics of Ambiguity

The Basis of Foucault's Concept of Panopticism

How I Lost My YouTube Channel

How America is Politically Stuck in the 17th Century #history#philosophy

Mark Fisher's Quiet, Hidden Concept: The Stain of Place

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The German Ideology

The Philosophy of Jesus - ft. @laborkyle

Max Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

The Academic Term Behind 'Liminal Spaces'

Prasita Nair, Epoch Eldercare on 'What's the core thought behind Epoch's philosophy for elder care'?

MYTH or REALITY: The Curse of Tamerlane #history #philosophy #facts

A Philosophy of Hope - Towards Hopeful Humanism #philosophy #hope

Ernst Bloch and The Philosophy (Principle) of Hope

Nietzsche and Nazism | Stephen Hicks

Socialismo: Utópico y Científico - Creado por @epochphilosophy

Remember happiness is a contrast of sadness #thinkingpositive #philosophyoflife #jimrohn

Slavoj Žižek: The path to love is through trash.