
Epidural: Reducing Pain During Childbirth + Alternatives | Stanford

Epidural, spinal, and combined spinal-epidural overview

Neuraxial Task Trainer Demonstration - Epidural Anesthesia

How an epidural is given during childbirth | Bupa Health

Pushing with an Epidural? 🤰🏻#epidural #birth

This is how big your epidural needle is

EPIDURAL During Labor and Delivery | PROS and CONS for Epidural for Labor and Birth

What Happens During a Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection?

Contraction pain relief positions natural labor or before your epidural! #labor #birth #pregnant

Back Pain Relief - Lumbar Epidural

Do I Want An Epidural in Labor? #shorts

How long does an epidural injection last?

Do epidural steroid injections work? #doctor #pain #sciatica #backpain #chiropractic #back #nerve

Epidural Injection in Labor (what can you feel) 🤰🏻🤔 #pregnancy

What’s an Epidural? 🤔 Benefits and Risks

What You Should Know: Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections

Struggling with spinals?!! Use ultrasound guidance! #ultrasound #spinal #epidural #pain #neuraxial

The Doctors Epidural Steroid Injection (EDSI) procedure

Continuous labor epidural in the hospital setting. Full video on a real patient.

What are the risks and side effects of an epidural?

Watch this BEFORE you get an EPIDURAL in labor! What to expect from start to finish!

Birthing Positions: Epidural Edition 🐣

Will an Epidural Injection For Back Pain Heal a Disk Herniation?

Having an epidural in labour at St Michael's Hospital