
Stuart Hameroff: Anesthesia, Consciousness, Bohm and Penrose (EmQM17)

Jeff Tollaksen: A Completely Top-Down Hierarchical Structure in Quantum Mechanics (EmQM17)

Bei-Lok Hu: Equivalence Principles for Quantum Systems (EmQM17)

Chuan-Feng Li: Experiment on nonlocal steering of Bohmian trajectories (EmQM17)

Tim Maudlin: Ontological Clarity, Electromagnetism and the Aharanov-Bohm Effect (EmQM17)

J. Walleczek: Nonlocality or Local Retrocausality? – The Non-signalling Theorem in ... (EmQM17)

Aephraim Steinberg: Experimental studies of quantum reality (EmQM17)

Yakir Aharonov: Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment (EmQM17)

Huw Price: Two Paths to the Parisian Zigzag (EmQM17)

Ana María Cetto: Quantum interconnectedness and induced nonlocality (EmQM17)

Jan Walleczek: Towards Ontology of Quantum Mechanics and the Conscious Agent (EmQM17)

Matthew S. Leifer: The Problem of Fine-Tuning in Quantum Theory (EmQM17)

Howard Wiseman: Relativistic Causality and Bell’s Theorems (EmQM17)

Basil J. Hiley: Aspects of Non-commutative Geometry: Deformation Quantum Mechanics (EmQM17)

Shan Gao: A Particle Ontological Interpretation of the Wave Function (EmQM17)

Emily Adlam: A Tale of Two Anachronisms (EmQM17)

William Seager: One or Many (EmQM17)

Nathan Argaman: A Lenient Causal Arrow of Time? (EmQM17)

Gerhard Groessing: Vacuum Landscaping: Cause of Nonlocal Influences without Signalling (EmQM17)

Ward Struyve: Must space-time be singular? (EmQM17)

Peter Barker: Weak Measurements of Atomic Momentum (EmQM17)

Kenneth Wharton: Live Options for Spacetime-Based Physics (EmQM17)

Paavo Pylkkänen: The quantum potential – classical or something entirely new? (EmQM17)

Robert Flack: Weak measurement of spin and its experimental realisation in atomic systems (EmQM17)