
[TensorFlow] Lab-10-2 Weight Initialization

[TensorFlow] Lab-12-0 rnn basics

[PyTorch] Lab-10-0 Convolution Neural Networkintro

[TensorFlow] Lab-07-1 application and tips

[TensorFlow] Lab-07-2-1 application and tips

[PyTorch] Lab-01-1 Tensor Manipulation 1

[PyTorch] Lab-04-1 Multivariable Linear regression

[TensorFlow] Lab-10-4 Batch Normalization

[TensorFlow] Lab-12-4 many to many bidirectional

[PyTorch] Lab-10-4-1 ImageFolder1

[TensorFlow] Lab-03 Liner Regression and How to minimize cost LAB

[PyTorch] Lab-09-2 Weight initialization

[TensorFlow] Lab-12-1 many to one

[TensorFlow] Lab-07-3-2 application and tips

[TensorFlow] Lab-02 Simple Liner Regression LAB

[TensorFlow] Lab-04 Multi variable linear regression LAB

[PyTorch] Lab-11-0 RNN intro

[PyTorch] Lab-11-2 RNN hihello and charseq

[TensorFlow] Lab-05-1 Logistic Regression

[TensorFlow] Lab-11-5 mnist cnn best keras eager

[TensorFlow] Lab-11-0-1 cnn basics convolution

[TensorFlow] Lab-05-3 Logistic Regression

[TensorFlow] Lab-06-1 Softmax Classifier

[TensorFlow] Lab-07-2-2 application and tips