
kids need to get off youtube.

Gen Z needs to be BANNED off Tik Tok

the most spoiled kid RETURNS...

kids are evil.

the most SPOILED kid of all time

the biggest 'SPOILED BRAT' ever RESPONDS...

the biggest SPOILED BRAT ever has gone too far...

r/im14andthisisdeep - CLICK TO BECOME DEPRESSED

i found the biggest SPOILED BRAT ever

kids can be stupid...

kids are way too stupid

these karens are losing their minds...

kids are kind of stupid

kids are extremely stupid

the biggest SPOILED BRAT ever is BACK...

karens who got what they deserved

Spoiled kid steals $50 from her mom to buy a teapot 😐

these parents are INSANE

r/kidsarestupid - I DON'T THINK HE EXPECTED THIS...

these parents are disgusting

r/youngpeopleyoutube - SHE SAID WHAT?!

kids are pretty dumb

the most spoiled kid ever IS BACK

12 minutes of stupid kids.