
I Found 11 Bombs Underwater: Called Police, Then Military Arrives Fast!

How Many iPhones Can I Find Underwater? Total Value: $5,000+ (Returned to Owners)

Update Video: Make-A-Wish Braxton, 9 Years Old. (Rest in Peace)

I Found 13 Wedding Rings Metal Detecting Underwater!

Found Possible Murder Weapon Underwater in a Shallow Urban Canal! (Police Called)

I Found a Rare Statue Underwater While Searching Drained River! VR180 (River Treasure)

Police Called After I Found This Underwater! (Scuba Diving)

Titanic Sub Tourism Expedition - Exclusive Footage (My Personal Experience)

I Found 28 iPhones, 24 Rings, 18 Apple Watches, 7 Guns and 2 GoPros Underwater! (Best Finds of 2020)

Would You Dive in a Drained River? Find Out! (WATER RISES)

I Found 9 Wedding Rings Underwater in the Ocean While Metal Detecting! $10,000+ (Returned to Owner)

Waterproof Metal Detecting Under a CLOSED WATERPARK!! $15,000+ (12 Rings, 2 Watches and 40 Coins)

Found Megalodon Shark Tooth Underwater While Fossil Hunting! (How to Find Shark Teeth)

Make-A-Wish: Braxton, 9 Years Old. (His Biggest Dream Came True)

Found YouTubers Lost 24k Gold Apple Watch While Scuba Diving! (His Reaction, Priceless)

Found Rare $50,000 Amethyst Crystal While Digging at a Private Mine! (Unbelievable Find)

Honeymoon Saved: Metal Detector Locates Lost Wedding Ring!

Scuba Diving 4 Sunken Drug Planes in the Ocean! (Explored for Treasure)

Live Rescue: Returning Lost Items to Their Rightful Owners!

A Priceless Find: Metal Detector Locates Lost Engagement Ring, Then He Proposes Again!

River Treasures: Unbelievable Finds - GoPro, Apple Watches, and iPhones!

Magnet Fishing Madness: Police Shocked at the Incredible Finds We Reel In!

Found Rare Amethyst Crystal While Digging at a Mine! (Unbelievable Find)

I Found $20,000 Worth of Peoples Lost Valuables Underwater!