
190kg/418lbs Snatch

Weightlifting is Hard. Do Powerlifting Instead

Why I got 'Skinny', Opinion on the Enhanced Games, Lab Meat is Pointless - Q&A

Optimizing Technique Too Early

302kg/666lbs ATG Pause Squat (no belt, no knee sleeves)

225kg Clean and Jerk, 185kg Snatch, 410kg Training Total

Clarence Kennedy Natty Vs Enhanced (Squat Numbers)

Clarence Kennedy Transformation - 15 Years of Training

300kg/661lbs Pause ATG Backsquat 100% RAW

340kg / 750lbs Deadlift @100kg

256KG ATG Squat @87kg/18yrs

Mid-2020 Training Compilation

Reacting to my Transformation Video (Clarence0 Lore)

265kg/584lbs ATG Squat for 10 Reps

330kg/728lbs Deadlift @103kg (no belt)

How to Spot a Fake Natty (in Weightlifting and Powerlifting)

The CRAZY Program I used to Squat 300kg (don't try this at home)

250kg/551lbs Paused Front Squat

200kg Clean @88kg

Clarence0 Anime Opening (240p)

15 attempts with 186kg/410lbs in the Snatch

Smaller by the Day: I'm Weak and That's Okay

Why Powerlifters SUCK at Weightlifting

205kg Clean @92kg