
#shorts The Mechanism Of breathing | biological instruction

Class 10th | Biology | Chapter 3rd | EAR | biological instruction

Class 11th | 🧬Biology | Chapter 2nd | DNA | biological instruction

Class 10th | Biology | Chapter 3rd | Refllex action | biological instruction

Class 11| Biology | Chapter 1 | Protection and conservation of environment | biological instruction

Class 12 | Biology | Chapter 1 | urinary system | biological instruction

#shorts |Organ and Organ System | biological instruction

#shorts Bad Effects of Smooking | biological instruction

#shorts Respiratory Disorders | biological instruction

#shorts Class 12 | Biology | Chapter 1 | Homeostasis solved Exercise | biological instruction

Class 12th | 🧬Biology | Chapter 2nd | Human Skeleton | biological instruction

Class 12th | Biology | Chapter 1 |Concentration of excretory products| biological instruction

Class 10th | 🧬Biology | Chapter 4th | Bone | biological instruction

Class 12 Biology Chapter 16 Exercise Solutions | Biological Instruction | Urdu/hindi

Class 10th | Biology | Chapter 3rd | Pancreas , Gonads | biological instruction

Genome: A Biological Instruction Manual For Living Organisms

#shorts Asthama and Lung Cancer | biological instruction

#shorts Class 10th | Biology | Chapter 2 | Kidney transplant | biological instruction

Class 12th | Biology | Chapter 2nd | Endoskeleton | biological instruction

#shorts Class | Biology | Chapter | Thermoregulation in plants | biological instruction

#shorts Class 12| Biology | Chapter 1 | Thermoregulation in mammals | biological instruction

#shorts Gaeous Exchange in Human | biological instruction

Class 10th | 🧬Biology | Chapter 4th | Bone And Cartilage | biological instruction

Class 11th| Biology | Chapter 2 | Structure of Protiens -Primary structure | biological instruction