aperture time travel

Things to Remember When Time Traveling

A Journey into The Multiverse

Why Time Goes Faster As You Get Older

Everything We Don’t Know About Time

Is Time Travel Possible In Our Universe?

Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative

This Video Is A Lie

Can Your Dreams Tell the Future?

Life's Biggest Paradoxes

The Darker SECRET Experiments of Aperture | Test Shaft 09 | FULL Portal Lore

The Illusion of a Bright Future

Portal 2 | Trace Amounts of Time Travel

How Far Do You Fall in Portal 2?

3 Paradoxes That Will Change the Way You Think About Everything


The Importance of Time Travel In Photography | Matt Irwin

There's a NEW PORTAL that ADDS A FOURTH DIMENSION!? Portal Reloaded!

Portal 2 Workshop - Time Travel Concept Puzzles

Portal 2 - Time Travel Portal concept (testroom)

Portal 2: Time Travel

Visualizing video at the speed of light — one trillion frames per second

A Journey To The Beginning Of Time

The Butterfly Effect

UFOs, God & the Greatest Time Travel Mystery | Evolution Scientist - Dr. Michael Masters • 260