
The American Farm School turns 120!

The American Farm School & Perrotis College

American Farm School & Perrotis College campus

American Farm School

AFS Kindergarten #stayhome

The Smart Farming initiative on SKAI TV

The Greek Summer Experience: a digital story by George Koutsaris

American Farm School moments

American Farm School - Proud Farm Trailer

Elementary School - Virtual Tour

Professional Training of New Farmers: The Case of Students of the American Farm School’s Private

STEM Academy at the American Farm School

AFS Elementary #stayhome

Dr Panos Kanellis President American Farm School & Perrotis College 1mp4

American Farm School - IEK 2018

Filippos Papadopoulos | American Farm School SKG | Session 2: Innovation and collaboration

American Farm School - Internet of Food Alliance στο OPEN TV

Ι.ΙΕΚ Αμερικανικής Γεωργικής Σχολής Θεσσαλονίκης: Οι εγγραφές ξεκίνησαν!

The “EdiCEduC project”

AFS Vocational High school #stayhome

3.5 - Rural Developments - American Farm school of Thessaloniki case study

'American Farm School' nga Selaniku i Greqisë me bursa për studentët kosovarë!

Fire in American Agricultural School in Thessaloniki (24/8/2020)

Be like Aliki: a video in honor of Mrs. Aliki Perroti